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After spending the night at a lodging where he has taken photographs for a book of art photographs, photographer Andy is late to his studio for a photo shoot with model Brandy, which leads him to later pose with other models.  He gets late for the shoot.  in the morning.  He gets bored and walks off, leaving the models and production staff in the lurch.  As he leaves the studio, two teenage girls who aspire to be models ask to speak to him, but Andy leaves to visit an antique shop.

While wandering in a public park, Andy takes pictures of the two lovers.  The woman, Capri, is furious at being photographed, and chases Andy, demanding his film, and finally trying to snatch his camera.  He refuses and takes pictures of her as she runs away through a meadow. Andy meets with his agent, Scott, for lunch, and notices that a man is following him and looking into his car.  Back at his studio, Capri arrives, desperately asking for the film.  She and Andy talk and flirt, but he purposely assigns her a different film role.  She instead writes down a false telephone number and gives it to him.

Andy, who is curious, makes multiple zooms of the film of Capri and her lover. They reveal Capri worriedly looking at a third person lurking in the trees with a pistol. Andi excitedly calls Scott, claiming that her impromptu photo session may have saved a man's life.  Andy is disturbed by a knock at the door, and it is again the two girls, with whom he has impromptu sex in his studio and falls asleep.  Waking up, he finds that they expect him to photograph them, but he realizes that there may be more to the photographs in the park.  He tells them to leave saying, "Tomorrow!

Further examination of a shadowy figure under a bush leads Andy to suspect that the man may have been murdered in the park, during which Andy was arguing with the woman around the bend.

As dusk falls, Andy goes back to the park and finds the man's body, but he hasn't brought his camera and is startled by the sound of a branch breaking, as if it is being stepped on.  Andy returns to find his studio ransacked.  All negatives and prints are gone except for possibly a very grainy blast of the body.

After driving into town, he sees the woman and follows her to a club, where Pentagram is seen performing the song "Man Eat Man".  A buzz in the guitarist's amplifier enrages him so much, he smashes his guitar on stage, then throws it over his neck into the crowd.  A riot ensues.  The photographer grabs the neck and runs out of the club before anyone can snatch it away from him.  Then, he has second thoughts about it, tosses it on the sidewalk, and walks away.  A passer-by picks up the neck and throws it back down, not realizing it is from a guitar.  Andy never locates the elusive woman.

At a drug-filled house party, Andy finds Brandi, who has told him she is moving to Vancouver;  When confronted, she says she is in Vancouver.  Andy asks Scott to come to the park as a witness, but cannot explain to him what has happened because Scott is incredibly intoxicated.  Instead, Andy joins the party and wakes up in the house at sunrise.  He returns to the park alone, only to find that the body is gone.

Confused, Andy sees a mime troupe performing a tennis match, prepares for it, after a while picks up the imaginary ball and throws it back to the two players.  As he watches the mime, the sound of the ball being struck is heard and his image fades away, leaving only the grass, the screen fades to black.

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