Chapter 13 - Kya se Kya Hogaye, Dekhte...Dekhte!

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Everyone got busy with their studies. Nilanjana didn't speak to Abir normally for near about a month. Abir tried to amend things at first, but gradually gave up when she showed no interest. Time begun to flow like this.

Soon their exams were over and everyone started making plans to celebrate their graduation. But each time Nilanjana made some excuses and avoided going out.

Abir understood that he was the reason for everything and he too started giving excuses so that Nilanjana doesn't avoid the others for him.

Rudra and Mihir were fed up of their differences and one day when the boys were alone they confronted Abir.

Abir slowly told everything that happened. They were shocked.

Mihir: Bro did you seriously confronted her like that?

Rudra: Were you high?

Abir: I don't know what happened to me. It just came out of flow...

Rudra: Do you realize how much embarrassed you made he feel?

Abir: I do

Mihir: Even if she liked you, she would have obviously said no because of your wrong timing.

Abir: Can I confess something?

Rudra and Mihir: What??

Abir: She was quite for a moment after I shot the question. And within those few seconds my heart kinda wanted her to say that she had feelings for me. I don't understand anything else but I wanted her to show some signs that she too likes me more than a friend.

The boys were quite.

Abir: I know I've fucked up everything... And I tried to speak to her. She told me that she didn't mind anything and everything will be fine but again.... Here we are.... It's been more than a month that we have not spoken normally. If it doesn't affect her then I don't know why she is behaving like this. I just know that I have lost her......... (His voice chocked)

Mihir: Hey don't worry... We will talk to her.

Rudra: Yeah and if we fail, Shreeja is there. I'm sure she can convince Nilanjana to talk to her.

Abir: I know that very well but I don't want that. If a third person needs to amend things, then one should understand that's it never going to be the same again....Ever again...

He didn't say anything further and left the place. Mihir turned to Rudra and said –

Mihir: I can't see him like this man.... Just see how much this thing is affecting him...

Rudra: I know but what can we do? He told us not to talk to her.

Mihir: But maybe we can talk to her indirectly? You know without telling her that we know what actually happened.....

Rudra: He will kill us.....

Mihir: Who will tell him? Nilanjana is not talking to him. And we are going to shut out mouth. That's it.

Rudra: But....

Mihir: Come on dude! See, he helped you to get together with Shreeja. So now it's your turn to help him. Atleast we know how much he loves Nilanjana.

Rudra: Ok..... You are right! Let's talk to her. But you'll speak...

Mihir agreed and dialed Nilanjana's number. He picked up after few rings.

Nilanjana: Hey Mihir what's up...

Mihir: Hii Nilanjana..... Are you busy or can we speak?

Nilanjana: Yes we can..... Is everything ok? You sound serious!

Mihir: Actually I wanted to talk about Abir...

Nilanjana: Ummmm..... What about him?

Mihir: Listen I know there's something wrong between you two. You guys don't speak much and mostly avoid each other. Nothing is like what it used to be. First we thought that everything will be fine with time. But now things are just getting worse. You two are even avoiding us just for your personal problems. And we, as friends are genuinely concerned for both of you. I don't know what changed but I request you that if there is any chance to solve things, then please do it......Atleast for us....

Nilanjana was listening quietly till now and spoke finally –

Nilanjana: Mihir, I'm really sorry that our problem is affecting you all so much. And since you all have notice it, I will not deny anything. Yes we have some problem. Infact not we, it's just me. I can't tell you anything in details but just know that things didn't go the way I wanted them to. And I accept that the problem is with me. Abir came to talk to me and trust me I tried for everything to be normal. But I can't. The only thing I can promise you that this thing will not affect you people anymore. We'll try to be normal.

Mihir could say anything more and they ended the call. Rudra was standing there, listening to the whole conversation on the speaker and looked at Mihir.

Rudra: This is damn serious!

Mihir: Dude my mind will just explode. I am so confused right now.

Rudra: But one thing I can't understand that what did she mean by things didn't go the way she planned?

Mihir: Huhhh?

Rudra: Did it mean just friendship? Or anything else?

Mihir: Don't look at me please. I am done. We can't solve this. Leave it to them. If they are meant to be together, they will be together....... even after all these problems.

Rudra: Hmmm

They started walking toward their house but in their mind, they kept thinking of any possibility to solve the problem between the two.

Few days passed after this but nothing changed. Meanwhile their results were out and everyone passed with flying colors. It was finally the night before their convocation. Everyone was over hyped to begin a new chapter of their lives.

Abir was lying in his room. The lights were turned off and he was sad and lost in numerous thoughts. When suddenly his phone beeped and an e mail notification popped on his screen. He unlocked the phone and opened the mail. His eyes shined as he read though it. He stood up and ran to his parent in the living room and screamed – "Maa – Baba!!!!!"

His parent looked at him and he continued screaming – "I got in!!!!"

Pradeep: What?

Abir: Yes!!!

He went forward and showed them the mail. His mother was so happy that she got emotional and hugged him.

Pradeep: So when do you have to leave?

Abir: As soon as possible, to settle down at first.

Pradeep: Ok I'll talk to my friends and see what we can arrange.

Abir nodded and came back to his room. He was happy that his dream was finally in front of his eyes but still there was some sadness inside him. He looked out the window but she wasn't there.

Abir's POV:

I need to tell them, especially her. But not now...... I don't want to ruin their excitement before the convocation. I tell them after all the functions! 

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