Chapter 17 - Beetein Lamhe

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A month passed like that. Everyone was too much excited for the wedding. Abir was thrilled to visit Kolkata again after so many years.

Once, it was late at night when Abir's phone rang. Rudra's name flashed on the screen. Abir was picked it and went to the balcony.

Abir: Yeah dude.

Rudra: (hesitation in his tone) Abir.......Ummmm....... I wanted to say something. It's more like a favor.

Abir: Come to the point stupid!

Rudra: Bro you know that I don't have an actual family. Though I have informed my uncle, but I doubt that they will barely attend my wedding. So all I have is you and Mihir. I am depending on you two for everything. Shreeja's family is there but I don't want to trouble them all the time.

Abir: Hey, we already know everything Rudra. And why are you so tensed for all this. You don't have to worry for anything. We will be there and we'll arrange the whole function. You and Shreeja will just enjoy your big day.

Rudra: Thanks man. You saved me. Otherwise it would be really embarrassing in front of my in laws.

Abir: Yarr why are you being so formal? Are we friends for 1 – 2 months? No right. So just relax.

Rudra: Thanks! By the way, when is Mihir coming to your place?

Abir: He will land tomorrow early morning but will directly go to his work station. I'll meet him at evening and then he will stay with me for like a day.

Rudra: And when are you guys coming to Kolkata?

Abir: Umm..... Mihir said that he is coming to Bangalore for the first time so he wants to see this city for a day. After that we will catch fight for the day after tomorrow. That's the plan for now.

Rudra: Great. I can't wait to see you again.

Abir: Same here!

Rudra: Goodnight then.

Abir: Goodnight.

The next day Abir woke up and got ready for office. Sudheer was already on the table having his breakfast. Abir went and sat beside him.

Abir: Good morning

Sudheer: G M

Abir: You are not ready yet?

Sudheer: Actually I had a bad headache last night so not feeling like going to work today. I'll work from home.

Abir: Oh ok take rest. By the way you do remember right that my is coming today?

Sudheer: Yeah, what was his name...? Mihir, right?

Abir: Yes.

Sudheer: Yeah I remember. I'll order some food before you guys return.

Abir: Great. Thanks. OK I'm getting late. Will see you at night. Bye!

Sudheer: Bye.

The whole day Abir could rarely focus on his works. His mind was only imagining the moment when he'll see Mihir after ages. He called Mihir for like 10 times to know whether he is done with his work or not. Abir had already submitted the leave application to his boss. He had barely taken any holiday since his 4 years of service, so he easily got a long leave.

It was around the dusk, when Mihir sent his location and asked Abir to pick him up as he didn't know anything in the city. Abir immediately packed his belongings and rushed to meet him. The location was 30 mins away from Abir's office. He took an auto. It was around 7 PM when Abir reached a commercial building. He called Mihir. Mihir asked him to wait at the reception. Within 10 mins the elevator's door opened and Mihir stepped out.

On seeing Abir he ran to him and hugged him with such strength that Abir almost was on the verge to fall, but later controlled his balance.


Abir: Dude I missed you too!!!

They parted from the hug and noticed that everyone was passing weird looks to them. They busted into laughter as they left the building.

Abir: Dude you have not changed even a bit.

Mihir: Why would I? Anyways how are you man? I can't believe I'm finally meeting you after 7 freaking years!!!

Abir: I know. I was not able to focus on my work the entire day, thinking of this moment.

Mihir: Aww

Abir: You must be tired. So first let's go home and then we have the entire night to talk.

Mihir: You don't have office tomorrow?

Abir: No my leave starts from today itself.

Mihir: Wow that's like my boy!

Abir smiled as he booked the cab. After 1 hr they reached Abir's apartment. He pressed the bell and in no time Sudheer opened the door. Abir introduced him to Mihir. They met formally. Sudheer had already ordered pizza so they got fresh and ate their dinner together. After that they all sat near the balcony and were having a fun chat. All those old nostalgic days were flashing back.

Sudheer: After hearing so much from you guys, I myself feel like going to Kolkata.

Mihir: You should definitely visit someday. And whenever you are there just contact me for a guide.

Sudheer: (laughing) Sure! You guys must be so excited for your friend's wedding, right?

Abir: Obviously! Two of our best friends are getting married together. That's really crazy.

Mihir: I always knew that they would make it to wedding.

Abir: Same. I am happy that Rudra is finally getting married to the girl of his dream. So lucky!

Sudheer: Don't worry you too would find the girl of your dreams.

Abir didn't reply to that. Mihir understood his silence and changed the topic. They gossiped for few hours more and then got up to go to their rooms. As Abir and Mihir came into their room, Mihir popped a question.

Mihir: Why didn't you reply to Sudheer's comment?

Abir didn't turn to him, but said softly,

Abir: What could I have said?

Mihir: Abir! I know what made you quite. But why buddy? Why do you still think of her? It's been 7 years. So many things changed. Why can't you move on to some other girl?

Abir: It's not about hopping into any girl Mihir! I too ask myself the same question. But I can't help it if someone is just not leaving my head. What can I do? I have tried a millions of time and failed.

Mihir: But this is not right. This is not a normal life Abir!

Abir: Nothing is normal. And I'm ok with it.

Mihir: But.....

Abir: It's ok Mihir, I'm happy with my life. Now go to sleep. We have to go around the city tomorrow.

Mihir didn't stretch the matter any further and went to bed. Abir lied down beside him and put on his headphones. He increased the volume and played their song – "Bade Acche Lagte Hain", and didn't realize when passed into sleep.

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