Chapter 31 - Alag Aasmaan

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It was almost 2:30 when everyone completed their lunch and stepped out for the temple. The afternoon sun was killing everyone. Some carried umbrellas while others took out their sunglasses and caps.

After walking for a fair time they reached the river wharf and saw few boats. Rudra went up to one of them and asked –

Rudra: How much for the other side of the river?

Boatman: Rs 7 each.

Rudra: Ok sail your boat.

He signaled everyone to sit carefully. The sitting arrangement was made in such a way that only two person could sit together. So Shreeja and Rudra obviously sat together and Abir and Nilanjana too grabbed the opportunity and went to sit together. As a result Mihir and Drishti were bound to sit together. Drishti hesitated at first but didn't complain after Shreeja assured her to sit with Mihir. Everyone settled and the boat started moving slowly. This was the first time when they were travelling on a boat. The water splashed on their faces sometimes but of course they didn't feel anything bad about it. They were enjoying every moment of it.

The mischievous and romantic side of Abir was turned on from the very moment he shared with Nilanjana. So to disturb her he extended his hand out of the boat, took some water and splashed it on her. She looked at him with a cute irritation in her eyes. That cuteness was killing Abir. He held her hand and said –

Abir: You know you look cute when you try to show that you are angry but actually you are not.

Nilanjana was trying to carry the pissed look but Abir's words forced her to blush. Abir noticed that and started teasing her. This time she took some water in her hands and threw it on him.

Mihir and Drishti who were sitting behind them noticed heir cute Face off. She commented -

Drishti: They look s cute together. I didn't know that they too were a couple.

Mihir: They are not. Atleast not yet.....

Drishti: But they are always together and behave like a couple.... Are they not interested in each other?

Mihir: Ummmm....... It's kinda complicated.....

Drishti: Hmmm.....

Mihir was about to ask her about her relationship status but remembered that he had promised not to flirt with her. Moreover he thought that it's just been few hours since they met and it would be too soon to ask a personal question. He decided to stay quiet and enjoy the natural beauty.

After few minutes their boat reached the wharf of the other side. The boatman instructed their way out without disturbing the balance. Since Drishti was the last person to get off the boat, she lost her balance for a second. As a result the boat shacked a little and she got scared. But in the meantime Mihir got hold of her and smiled at her –

Mihir: Don't worry, I won't let you fall!

Drishti passed an awkward smile and moved on.

While paying the fare, Abir asked the boatman –

Abir: We want to go to the temple here. Can you please tell us the direction?

Boatman: Buro Thakurer Mandir?

Abir: Yes!!

Boatman: Follow the dirt road through the bushes and keep walking. After walking for sometimes you'll find it.

Abir: Oh ok.... Thank you.

Everyone started walking through the dirt road. The sun started its journey to set and thus it was pleasant to walk. The cold breeze accompanied them. On this way Nilanjana and Drishti started to bond well. Mihir on the other hand was continuously staring her. Drishti noticed the same but didn't say anything. Shreeja whispered to Rudra that it was a good idea to bring Drishti to the trip since she was healing. Rudra agreed for the same. Abir turned to Mihir and asked –

Abir: Why are you staring at Drishti?

Mihir: I don't know....

Abir: Huhhh........

Mihir: Seriously dude. I know I promised you all that I won't flirt and trust me I don't want to flirt with her. But still I just wish to get to know her a little more.

Abir: Hmmm.......... That's something new. You never wished to know anyone better before.... That's quite a progress......

Mihir smirked. Within few more minutes they reached an open field. Rudra and Mihir went ahead to search for the temple and after sometimes they screamed to call them. Everyone followed them and finally got the visuals of the temple.

Just the view of the temple was enough to give chills to everyone. It was definitely more than 100 years old. The structure was crafted in the typical Hindu temple format. The entrance had a big arched door. One could say that the temple was built beautifully but due to lack of proper maintenance it was ruined. The bricks were broken and there were wild vines everywhere. Through there was great peace but after sunset it would be impossible to stay there since there wasn't a single source of light apart from the sunlight. The tip of the temple had a big yellow flag that was not visible due to the tall trees. There were few steps which led to the main platform. Chanting could be heard from the stairs. They understood that their time of arrival was perfect since the priest was present there.

On hearing footsteps the priest stopped his chanting and turned to face them. With a broad smile on his lips, he asked –

Priest: After so much time this temple has some visitors!

Everyone smiled and greeted.

Priest: You people don't seem to belong here.....

Shreeja: Yes, We are from Kolkata....

Priest: Oh I see.... so why here all of a sudden?

Rudra placed his hand over Shreeja's shoulder and said –

Rudra: We are getting married this week. So came here to seek blessing. People say that we can get whatever we ask to God here....

Priest: Yes, but only if you pray with a pure heart without any bad intentions. So would you like to perform the Aarti?

Rudra being a little inclined to religious beliefs instantly agreed. The priest then asked the couple to perform the aarti together. The others stood behind them and folded their hands to show some respect. After completing the aarti, the priest instructed everyone to close their eyes and ask whatever they wish for.

Abir and Nilanjana looked at each other and then turned their head toward the idol. They slowly closed their eyes and wished in their heart.

Abir's POV:

I never have been a true devotee. But people said my wish would come true. So I'm here praying – I want the girl standing beside me to forever stay just like this. I don't know what I feel for her but if missing her every moment, searching for only her in the crowd and wanting all her happiness is considered as love, then yes I AM IN LOVE WITH HER. And now I realize that I've always been in love with just her. And I want a life full of togetherness with just her!!!

Nilanjana's POV:

I really am confused of what to ask. But if wishes are really fulfilled here then I want to try asking this. I want to tell this idiot standing beside me of how much I LOVE HIM. I have always loved him. There's never been any confusion regarding that. But this idiot never understood my feeling. But now I can sense that he too wants us to happen. So that's it I want a life full of togetherness with just him!!!

They completed praying and opened their eyes with a small blush on the tip of their lip as they asked for each other's love forever!!!!

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