Chapter 23 - Phir Le Aaya Dil!

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Abir kept looking at her with astonishing eyes. His heart wanted to run and hold her in his arms, but his mind contradicted. Suddenly all the old misunderstanding flashed in front of him. Abir remembered the way they parted and thus stepped back.

Shreeja went and hugged Nilanjana. The other boys finally spoke –

Mihir: Nilanjana?

Nilanjana: Hello guys!

Rudra: You? Here? How?

Mihir: I am so damn confused! Wait a minute..... Shreeja! You knew everything?

Shreeja: Ya.

Rudra: So why didn't you tell us? And Nilanjana......Where were you?

Nilanjana: Ok so first things first, I'm really sorry for everything. I know a simple sorry isn't enough to make it up but still...

Mihir: It's not about making up......We really felt bad when you literally cut all connections with us.

Nilanjana: I know Mihir and sorry for that too. I was so messed up that I didn't have the sense to do the right. I thought cutting of all old threads and starting a fresh life was the best option. But now trust me it was the second worst thing I ever did. Don't ask about the first one. I wouldn't say it. Anyways, all these years there, every single moment I missed you guys. But still I could not take the step to rekindle things.

Rudra: Why so? You could have just called us dude. We weren't gone that far.

Nilanjana: But in my head I was gone too far. I thought you guys will hate me.

Mihir: We can never hate you Nilu! We were friends after all!

Shreeja: Let me take it over now. So a month before, I suddenly got a friends request from this madam. Obviously I accepted and we exchanged numbers. And then we started speaking. Trust me Rudra it didn't feel like we were talking after 7 years. We still had that old vibe. Then I told her about our wedding and asked her if she could come.

Nilanjana: Obviously I said yes. How could I miss our wedding guys! This surprise was my plan. I asked her not to disclose this to anyone. Not even you Rudra!

Shreeja: Yes! We suddenly made the plan to come here early and Nilanjana didn't know the direction. So I asked her to follow our car from the highway. But Abir almost caught her.

Nilanjana: Thank God Shreeja you came in time and saved the surprise from being spoiled.

Shreeja: (Winks) Mention not!

Nilanjana: But now I don't know if things will go back to as it was....

Mihir leaned and hugged her at once.

Mihir: Of course it will be the same as it was. Yeah but will take some time, don't worry.

Rudra joined them – Totally agree!

Nilanjana: Thank you so much!

Saying so, she finally turned to Abir who was standing there in pin drop silence. She walked up to him and passed a soft smile. Abir tried to do the same.

Nilanjana: How are you Abir?

Abir's POV:

Ah! It's been so long since I heard my name in her voice.... I still could not believe that she is actually standing in front of me and talking to me.

Abir: I'm good. How...are you?

Nilanjana: Fine. It's great to see you again aft...

Abir: After 7 years, yeah I know. Same here

Nilanjana smiled.

Nilanjana's POV:

The moment my eyes met his I felt a chill; Butterflies in my stomach. I wanted to hug him but even couldn't go for a handshake. I was lost for a while. He has grown from a cute boy to a handsome man. He has moved from specs to lenses and also kept trimmed beard. This new look suits him perfectly! I have missed him. I wanted to call him so many times but my fucking ego stopped me. After all I was the one to mess things up and now it should be me to mend thing. I wanted to talk to him about everything. I wanted to share everything that happened within these years. I wanted to know what happened to him too. But both of us were shy enough to take the first step in front of everyone. I understood it very well that we have to speak in private.

Shreeja interrupted the thoughts.

Shreeja: Ok guys let's go and get fresh now. It is almost dusk now and I am too hungry.

Mihir: Yeah me too. We'll meet for evening snacks then.

Rudra: Btw, what is the arrangement of rooms?

Shreeja: Oh yeah I forgot to mention it; Boys in one room and girls in another.

Rudra: Why different? You and I can.....You know.......

Shreeja: Stop being over smart Ok! Go to your room.

Mihir: (Laughing) Yeah Mr Groom, come with me..

Shreeja tapped on Nilanjana's shoulder and signaled to follow her.

Nilanjana: Bye Abir! We'll catch up later.

Abir: Sure.

They both proceeded towards their rooms.

Abir entered a big bedroom. The room was ten times bigger than his Bangalore apartment. The master bed was separated into two and a third bed was set up especially for the three of them. There were many historical pictures and portraits hung on the wall. A big window showed the full view to garden area. The wardrobe was as big for even a six feet person to fit in perfectly. Not to mention, spacious enough.

Mihir and Rudra didn't notice Abir and as usual started fighting for the bed by the window. One to have that bed undoubtedly will have the best view.

Rudra: Hey listen you captured the window seat in the car. Now it's mine.

Mihir: What is this logic? The car was like for few hours and this is for the next full week! I'm not leaving it.

Rudra: Ok then let's toss!

Mihir: Fine.

Rudra was about to flip the coin but Mihir stopped him.

Mihir: Fuck!

Rudra: What?

Mihir: How can we forget him? (Pointing towards Abir)

Rudra: Shit!!

They turned towards Abir who was already sitting on the window bed. He was totally quiet. His chin was down staring at the floor. The chaos created by the other two had no effect on him. He was drowned in his own thoughts and didn't care about anything else.

Rudra softly asked him –

Rudra: Abir, are you ok?

He didn't reply in words. Instead just nodded his head in a yes. But clearly there was cyclone on questions in his heart which became visible on his face too.

Mihir: We should leave him. And let him have that bed.

Rudra: Yes. Let's go and get fresh. He'll join us once he feels a little better.

The boys left the room for Abir to fight the battle of his emotions!

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