15 • Studying, like together ? • 15

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Chapter 15• Charlie •

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Chapter 15
• Charlie •

Billy was all that was on my mind for the rest of Sunday. I was starting to forget about him being the enemy of my stepbrothers and starting to see him as Joe's colleague who I was slowly starting to get to know and so far, there was nothing I didn't like about him. He seemed sweet.

When I entered my English class with Taylor on Monday morning, I felt relieved to know the test would soon be over.

"You ready?" I asked Tommy as I sat down beside him.

Tommy looked at me nervously. "No. I'm going to fail."

I shook my head, even though I was feeling the same way. "You'll be fine. Believe me, you've got this."

Tommy nodded, but turned to twiddle with his thumbs as Harry came and took the other seat beside me, looking nowhere near as nervous Tommy. He only so much glanced at the pair of us before slouching back in his seat like he couldn't care any less about having to spend the next hour doing a test.

"What?" Harry said to me as he noticed I was looking at him, confused.

"You seem...calm?" I said.

Harry was looking like he was a natural at English, but from what I had gathered he was anything, but that.

"It's just a test." Harry said, shrugging slightly.

I nodded, trying to tell myself that too. It was just a test. I'd still be breathing if I failed. I'd survive. I was only writing words on paper about a book written a century ago. It wouldn't be the end of the world if I got something wrong.

I wasn't the author; it was natural to misinterpret something. We all see things differently. It's fine if I see the answer differently to the way my teacher does when he marks it. My answer would just be a different and subjective interpretation. It doesn't mean I'm stupid.

"That's not what Dad will say if we fail." Tommy said, running a hand through his hair.

I raised my eyebrows slightly. Peter didn't strike me as someone that would lose it if their kids failed a class. He seemed more like the type to tell them that it's okay, it's not the end of the world, you tried your best.

"I'm sure we'll get a C. It's all good." Harry said, just as Mr Atwood walked into the room with the test papers in hand.

I gulped, wishing all I wanted was a C. I wished I could just be happy with that, but how could I when my sister would come home with straight A*'s at the end of every year, and I'd only be able to get an A* in English? This was all I was good at.

Mr Atwood passed round the tests and the class sat in silence, tapping their pens as they waited for a sheet of paper to be placed on their desks.

"You may turn over the paper." Mr Atwood said, returning to the front of the class.

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