27 - Calm before the Storm

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As you're walking to the execution platform, you felt a strong breeze and looked up at the sky. You grinned as you knew the cause of it. "Well, well. About time you decide to show up, huh??"

When you finally reached the town square, you found Luffy on top of the platform entrapped by a wooden stock with a clown-looking man

"Alright!! I hereby flashily begin the festivities of this public execution!!"

The clown's foot is now planted on top of the rubber boy's head, crumbling his prized straw hat along with squishing his head. "You've got quite a big audience here today, Straw Hat. You wanna say a few words before you die??" Luffy doesn't respond. "Oh?? Cat got your tongue??"

Again, Luffy didn't speak up.

"That's alright. Stay quiet or say a few words, it doesn't matter. You're still going to die"

The wind began to pick up but the air is deathly still.


Luffy's voice rang loud and proud, echoing across the square. Murmurs and comments on Luffy's bold statement are whispered among the crowd while you snicker.

You cupped your face and shouted teasingly, "Orra~ Causing trouble again, Luffy?? Want me to save you like old times??"

"(First Name)!!" Luffy exclaimed in joy.

'(First Name)?? No, it can't be her. Must be a different woman with the same name' Buggy thought while he didn't bother looking at the person in question.

"Luffy, you idiot. Guess all that foolin' around finally caught up with ya, huh??"

"You startin' a sideshow?? Or is that just how ya look?? Pretty sad. Now we gotta do is drive these goons away"

"Zoro!! Sanji!!"

"Zoro. You made it. But you're just a little bit too late" The clown mocked as he raised the blade, ready to slice Luffy's head clean off.

Seeing the action, the two sprint to the platform.

"Get 'em, boys!!" The woman with a white cowgirl hat ordered.

You decided to help the duo by clearing the path for them, sending them flying across a few meters.

You decided to help the duo by clearing the path for them, sending them flying across a few meters

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"You two go ahead and save Luffy. No need to worry about the small fry" you advised.

"Right!!" Zoro and Sanji understood.

You cracked your knuckles with a dark aura seeping out of your body at the crew. "Anyone else wants to step up??"

The small fry quivered in fear and refused to fight back at you. You clicked your tongue in annoyance. They're so pathetic and weak. You wanted to test your new weapons but they're not worth your blade.

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