32 - Misunderstanding Resolved(Not!!)

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While watching the show of internal conflict, the rubber boy is still snoring away despite being within range of crossfire.

"Aw, damn it" Zoro grumbled, looking down from the rooftop adobe. A near front-row seat of all the carnage and drama.

"Looks like our captain seems to be trapped," Ghin remarked while smirking. "We'd better go save him, shouldn't we??"

"It can't be helped. I don't want us to get involved with their silly little squabble so might as well" you sighed.

The three of you climbed off your rooftop before taking refuge behind the building, awaiting an opportunity for either of you to regain your rubber boy/captain from the startling situation.

While they're distracted, you signaled Zoro to snatch Luffy away. He ran so subtly between the fight and dragged the sleeping Luffy behind him. Fortunately, the Baroque Works agents care less about you guys as they had a more pressing mission currently. They fought and some weird came out of Mr 5's nose and exploded.

From within a nearby valley, Zoro and Ghin watched the fight with disbelief.

"I knew I was gonna see some strange stuff here on the Grand Line, but explosive snot??" Even that's something I did not count on witnessing" Ghin eyes the event in subtle shock.

"Tell me about it" Zoro agreed. "Did that just come out of his nose??"

"I got to admit it, it's a new one for me too. Out of all the weird things I've seen on the Grand Line, it had to be this" you added.

"What do you think?? Devil Fruit user??" Ghin theorized.

"Most likely. It's a common thing on the Grand Line so it should be it" Your discussion was cut short when you felt something grab onto your ankle. You looked down to see the injured Mr 8. You care less about his real name. He looked at you with pleading eyes.

"Hey!! What are you doing?!" Zoro demanded.

"Take your hands off her!!" Ghin reached for his tonfas.

You held your hand out to stop them and knelt to hear the man's pleas.

"Arsene, please!! I have the most unreasonable request, but I need someone with strength such as yours!!"

"Yeah, right!! You gotta be kidding!! Would you let go of her!!" Zoro growled.

"And what would that be??" you questioned, tilting your head a little.

"Both of those villains possess Devil Fruit powers and there's nothing I can do to stop them!! That is why I am begging you now: Protect Vivi of Alabasta in my place!! Please!!"

"Forget it!! We're not helping you!! Until a few minutes ago, you were still trying to kill us!! What do you think we are?! Fools?!"

"Oh?? And what would we get in exchange for bringing the princess back home?? Cuz I'm doing this for free" you asked with a bored expression. If you agree to this deal, you have a bad feeling about this, so you decided to play safe for now.

"I'll help myself to that reward"

Everyone turned to look up where to see Nami sitting atop the adobe, watching the whole thing, a sly smirk in the mischievous gleam in her eyes at the prospect of money.

"How does a billion berries sound??"

"Nami?!" Zoro and Ghin gawked at their thought-to-be unconscious navigator.

"Huh?? What did you say??" the injured guy coughed out blood as his voice cracked. "Ma Ma Maaaa!!"

"Weren't you passed out drunk earlier??" Ghin inquired. "Leave it to you to pop out of nowhere when money is the subject of discussion"

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