Chapter 1

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Ice spread throughout my body from the tips of my toes to the tops of my ears. I stared down at the letter in my hands with wide eyes, stunned to the core. It was an official request for my presence in Amegakure. The time had come to fulfill the promise I'd made in exchange for information.

Four months have passed since the fight between Orochimaru and the Uchihas. My life slowly fell into a routine that became the new normal.

Sasuke and I are doing well. So well, in fact, that Ino suspects he plans to propose soon. She hasn't overheard him thinking about it, but said his feelings for me no longer confused or scared him. On top of that, she said his entire aura seemed less hesitant. Personally, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that someone so perfect could possibly love me.

Since the immediate danger of Kabuto and Orochimaru had been dealt with, Ino decided that if Sasuke hasn't turned me by my nineteenth birthday, she was going to do it herself. March was only 10 months away, so the clock was ticking.

Madara stayed true to his word and has given me plenty of space. More than I thought he would, in fact. The Uchiha elder was rarely at home in the castle, instead traveling from town to town as a liaison for his brother, the king. Things had been awkward for the first month after the attack and I think that scared him into leaving. If he hadn't done such terrible things to both me and the rest of his family, I might honestly feel guilty.

Temari and Itachi's wedding came and passed. The couple spends a few months at a time residing in either Suna and Konoha. The Uchiha prince said they haven't decided where they want to permanently settle down yet and that they would let us know as soon as they made a decision. His mother has been, naturally, trying to persuade both him and his new bride to stay close.

"Oh come on, Saku, don't tell me you forgot about it!"

My eyes finally blinked as Ino snapped me out of my daze. She gave me an empathetic smile before returning her gaze to the paper she was reading over my shoulder. I re-read it, just to be sure I hadn't misunderstood anything.

"The king and queen of Amegakure request that Sakura Haruno, of the Tanaka bloodline, make plans for immediate departure. In the coming days, she will be retrieved by one or more members of the royal family's official advisory council. They will ensure her safety whilst traveling."

"No members of the royal Uchiha family are to accompany her. The only exception to this request is if Mrs. Ino Uchiha wishes to join her sister. The favor we ask is only to be discussed once one or both of them have successfully joined us in Amegakure. As promised, neither will be fatally injured. We eagerly await your arrival."

Konan and Yahiko had both signed the letter in pretty, scrawled ink and their cloud-shaped family seal was stamped at the bottom. I ran a hand through my hair stressfully. It'd grown longer since I'd cut it in Oto and fell an inch or so past my shoulders now.

"Sasuke's gonna be so pissed," my sister spoke again, her voice a bit quieter in case the man in question was nearby and we just weren't aware of it.

The letter folded back up easily and I slid it back into the envelope it'd arrived within, "I'll tell him tonight, so don't say anything."

She nodded, "I'll talk to Sai, too."

"Why would you need to do that?"

Ino gave me an incredulous look as though I was being an idiot, "Because I'm coming with you. I told you I would, remember? There's no way I'm letting you go all the way to Ame alone and who knows what they're gonna ask you to do."

We continued walking outside so we could head down to her shop. She had a few things to work on and I was tagging along to visit Naruto. A member of the Militia had stopped us near the entrance to deliver the letter. Anxiety was brewing in the pit of my stomach because I knew exactly what they were going to have me do.

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