Chapter 15

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The next morning I was woken up by a strong arm wrapping around my waist to pull me back against a firm and warm body and sighed happily, "Good morning." No verbal response was given, but lips pressed into the bare skin of my shoulder. Calloused fingers came up to softly caress my breast.

A grin tugged at my lips and I laughed, pressing back against him, "Someone's eager."

"Can you blame me? Last night was incredible, my dear."

My eyes shot wide open and I sat up with a gasp, looking over in confusion. It was a dream!

Oh, thank God!

Sasuke wordlessly wondered what was going on by giving me a frown from where he lay against the pillows and I shook my head, coming back down to cuddle into his side. That wasn't Sasuke's voice I heard behind me in my dream. No, it was someone I never ever want to have sexual dreams about: Madara.

What the hell...?

This type of thing rarely happens to me and definitely doesn't ever star the Uchiha elder. I've only ever had one similar dream about Sasuke and he woke me up in the middle of it so we could make fantasy a reality while visiting Amegakure. Sasuke rolled over on top of me, pulling me from my panicked thoughts, "A good dream?"

I eagerly accepted his kisses, glad he's been just as hungry for sex as I am so I can chase away the startling memory of Madara's voice so lustrous and casual in my ear.

After quickly going for an early morning round, we both got ready for breakfast before heading downstairs. I recalled Ino mentioning Sasuke wanting to impress me the other day and grabbed his hand near the end of the staircase. He glanced at me as we walked in the direction of the dining room. A slight heat rose to my face, "I, um, I think you're really handsome."

His brow furrowed as though he wasn't sure why I was saying something like this out of nowhere, but then he smirked and shook his head in amusement, squeezing my hand in his much larger one. To my surprise, he didn't let go even as we entered the dining room and a few of the others turned to greet us.

The meal soon began and I chose to focus on what was in front of me rather than let my mind overwork itself reading into that dream. It was just that, a dream. None of it was real. None of it happened and no one will ever know I ever had a naughty dream about Madara unless I tell them so everything's fine.

Ino gasped, dropping the fork in her hand for it to clatter loudly onto her glass plate. Everyone looked at her, me included, and my heart sank when I realized she was staring at me in disbelief. Shit. She totally heard that, didn't she?

"Oh, yes, I totally did," my sister's voice rang through my head as she busied herself reassuring everyone nothing was wrong.

A dread filled me as my face paled and I stared down at my plate, suddenly having lost my appetite. "It was just a dream. Don't make a big deal about it," I thought back to her.

She looked up from where she was adjusting Inojin's blanket as she cradled him in one arm and quirked a brow, "I'd agree if it was a dream about anyone except Madara."

"Are you feeling alright, honey? You've barely touched your food."

My spine straightened when Mikoto reached over to rest a hand on my forehead, checking my temperature. I shook my head, "I'm okay! ...I thought vampire's don't get fevers?"

Her motherly grin became more empathetic, "They also don't sleep every night, yet you do, sweetheart." I sighed in defeat and focused on trying to stomach at least a little bit of breakfast.

Ino kept glancing at me with a barely-masked expression of what appeared to be concern and maybe a bit of dread, which confused me. Hearing me think about that dream is undoubtedly what's making her do it, but like I said: it's just a dream.

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