Chapter 42

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"Let me get this straight; you willingly spent the last week locked in a hotel room with those two?" Ino hissed.

Hinata and Naruto were visiting the castle. After crying and hugging me like a child, the blonde wandered off with Sasuke and Sai as they entered the cellar to interrogate Hidan. I thought it was a bad idea, but he insisted he had words to share with the irritating vampire responsible for my torture.

So, Hinata, Ino, Mikoto, Tenten, Itachi, Temari, Izumi, and I sat around the large coffee table in the family room, the fireplace alight to give the room a comforting aura. Since it's been pushed back so many times because of me, the couple decided they wanted to have their wedding within the next few weeks.

At first, I was against it because three very dangerous vampires were at large and could potentially show up: Yahiko, Kisame, and Konan. Then Hinata, surprising everyone except her fiance, suggested we use the event as a trap to lure them closer. I couldn't believe she was willing to use one of the most important nights of her life to help us.

Stunningly stubborn, the Hyuuga woman refused to hear any arguments, as did a proud-looking Naruto. So, the king, Madara, Shikamaru, and Neji disappeared into Fugaku's office to begin concocting a plan. The rest of us not working the prisoner in the cellar were starting the planning for the wedding. Itachi joined, though Izumi and Ino teased him for it.

Blushing, I nodded and tried not to think about the incredibly promiscuous things the three of us did in that room, "I was just as surprised as all of you are at first. Believe me."

Izumi flipped through a booklet of chair covers with an uninterested face and said, "Boring. We want the juicy stuff." She, Tenten, and my sister shared a look of excitement.

"It's too embarrassing! Besides, the queen and Itachi are here. I'm sure they don't want to hear about that."

Mikoto giggled, bringing a delicate hand to her lips, "Would you look at that, ladies? It seems I'm ready to begin delegating tasks to the Militia. If you'll excuse me." My mouth fell open slightly, and I watched her leave with a pretty grin, feeling completely betrayed.

"Alright, Handsome. Get outta here, or you're gonna hear things you don't want to," Izumi waggled her brows at Itachi, whose face fell into a mildly annoyed expression. Temari and the Uchiha girl shared an amused look when he wordlessly left the room, likely to join his uncle and father in their strategy meeting.

"The coast is clear, so spill! How'd you manage to tame not one Uchiha but two?" Tenten demanded with a smirk.

With a face as red as a cherry, I explained how the three of us were attacked on our way to Sunagakure, leaving out the parts about my losing control and going on a rampage and the exact things the boys said while arguing because that was too personal. The peanut gallery seemed satisfied with just "they fought over me", so I didn't bother elaborating further.

I explained how and why I ran away to search for Tsunade and Jiraiya on my own, receiving mixed responses from the women. Temari and Hinata agreed with her decision, while Izumi, Ino, and Tenten disagreed.

"Though I have no master, I can imagine the urge to protect them is stronger than anything else. I think it was noble of you to try and prevent their interference," Temari murmured diplomatically.

Hinata nodded, "If I were in your shoes, I'd have done the same thing. I couldn't ever dream of asking Naruto to risk his life for me."

"He totally would, though," Ino added in a sing-song voice.

The Hyuuga girl blushed and averted her gaze back down to the booklet of flower arrangements, pretending to focus to hide her bashfulness.

"No, no, no! That's all wrong!" Izumi pouted, not bothering to act like she was interested in the wedding planning.

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