Chapter 34

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At some point in the middle of the night, I regained consciousness. Rather than feel surrounded by warmth like I always do, goosebumps were dusting my skin. When I ventured to open my eyes, I realized why. Sasuke still hadn't returned.

Curling into a ball under the thick blankets, I closed my eyes again and frowned, "What time is it?"

As expected, Madara's voice came from behind me, where he was likely lounging on the other bed, "A few hours before sunrise. Get some more rest while you can, my dear." He didn't accompany me to this room because he wanted to spend time with me. No, Sasuke sent him to babysit and ensure I don't run off again.

"Where is he?" Something feels off. Sasuke hasn't disappeared without explaining since the night Sai accidentally attacked me so many months ago.

"He asked me to watch you while he runs some errands. How should I know what he's doing? I don't care, so I didn't ask."

My eyes crept open slowly because his response left a bad taste on my tongue, "...Madara...."

There was a long pause, "Yes, my goddess?"

Irritated warmth threatened to rise to my face as he picked up Kankuro's unwelcome nickname for me, but I ignored it for the moment, "You're not lying, right?"

The Uchiha vampire didn't make a sound for so long that I had to roll over to ensure he was still there. He was on his side, dark eyes focused on me. When they locked with mine, he seemed to realize he hadn't replied and shook his head. It didn't feel right, still.

"Do you promise?"

Another long pause, "I promise. Now go to sleep."

As I stared at his face, searching for signs of deceit, I wondered if I should trust him. As of late, he's been honest even if it makes the situation uncomfortable, so I'm inclined to believe him. There's still this lingering feeling of unease, though.

"Are you cold?"

I blinked when his quiet question pulled me from my train of thought, blushing, "I'm fine."

Madara mused in a less serious tone, tension leaving his features, "Sunagakure doesn't bother with heating their castle because no one inside spends their nights alone."

I rolled my eyes before closing them, hugging a pillow to my stomach, and focusing on masking my slight shivering so he wouldn't notice.

"You're undoubtedly aware, but I'll happily aid in keeping you warm."

Shaking my head, I mumbled, "I said I'm fine."

Madara sighed in defeat, and then the room fell into silence again. That surprised me. Even after his massive personality change, he's a stubborn and unrelenting man, yet here he is, taking no for an answer.

My fingers squeezed the soft pillow between my arms, and I gritted my teeth as I inwardly argued with myself. If Sasuke were here, I wouldn't think twice about accepting Madara's offer because the prince would ensure his uncle didn't step out of line. The vampire before me wouldn't test his nephew, either, because he knows it'll make me more angry than if he tests me instead. Sure, I've learned to control my powers, for the most part, but being glowed to calm down has been a gamble, only working half of the time.

I couldn't help but open my eyes again, and I didn't look away this time when Madara's gaze locked onto them.

I swore to Sasuke and Madara to do everything possible to give this situation my best efforts. The latter knows my first instinct in his presence is fearful fighting, freezing, or fleeing, and neither of us needs to say a word out loud to understand one another's feelings about it. It hurts him every time I cringe or freeze up, but he still feels guilty for all the terrifying and awful things he's done, and rightfully so; he won't pester me to get over it.

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