Chapter 43

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I know it was wrong, but I didn't tell everyone about my blood having been collected. There were too many things I didn't have details on. For example, how much of it did they receive in total? Do they simply plan to take it because it tastes good to vampires, or is there another reason?

My gut told me Amegakure had terrible plans. If it's true, and something awful happens, it'll be all my fault. It's my blood, after all.

"Did you see enough to estimate how far along the queen is into her pregnancy?"

A hand brushed mine, snapping me from my thoughts to look at Sasuke and Madara, who were staring expectantly. The king's question finally registered, and I shook my head as though it'd do away with the anxious mindset.

"Oh, I'm not sure. She wasn't showing, so it's likely she's still in her first trimester."

After gaining firsthand experience with Ino and getting some more information after being rescued, I was sure in my response. A vampire's gestational period can vary between twelve and fifteen weeks.

"Good. We have time to locate them before its birth."

The word "its" caught my attention, and my brow furrowed. Fugaku used a word to dis-personify the baby like it's an object rather than a being. That didn't sit well with me. A sick, cold feeling arose in my gut. Regardless of their heritage, no child is born evil. Feeling uneasy, I looked around at the others in the room: Sasuke, Madara, Itachi, Sai, and the king. No one seemed to notice his phrasing, and if they did, they did not care.

I opened my mouth, intending to ask Fugaku his intentions once he finished speaking with his eldest son, but a hand slipped into mine. Sasuke gave a cold expression, subtly shaking his head. He doesn't want me to speak up? Why not? Bewildered, I gritted my teeth but narrowed my eyes. Surely he knows what's bothering me. I chose to adhere to the warning but wasn't happy about it.

By the end of the meeting, a rough plan outline had formed. I'll dive back into Hidan's mind to find information on where the remaining enemies from Amegakure may hide. Small groups of soldiers led by someone trusted by the Uchihas will travel to any locations mentioned. If and when something looks promising, reinforcements will hopefully capture them alive.

It didn't need to be outright said for me to understand that they'll kill all three of them if they have to, even Konan.

I lay with my back turned to Sasuke later that evening, unable to think about anything but Ino. The situation we're in now is similar to what happened in Sonukuni Village. Kaguya saw Ino as an enemy, just like we see Konan. What I can't wrap my head around is that someone so blinded by their grief and power didn't even threaten to harm Inojin, but the people I love, and respect are considering it.

The prince knows I'm upset, too, because he's left me alone since then. As though thinking about it jinxed the fact, the prince suddenly said, "Go to sleep, Sakura." He sounded almost like an exhausted parent trying to get their child to rest. I might've laughed if I wasn't in such a sour mood.

Huffing, I sat up and frowned at him, "I can't."

"They're our enemies. Don't allow yourself to empathize."

Entirely stunned, I turned my upper body to face him with wide eyes, "...Are you serious right now?"

The Uchiha man's frown deepened, "They tortured you. They killed you, Sakura."

"That baby didn't do anything wrong. Why should he have to die for his parent's mistake?"

Sasuke's stern gaze morphed into a glare, "It's not like any of us want things to come to that, but if it's the only way to ensure you're safe, I won't hesitate."

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