Chapter 55

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Sasuke's hands trembled as he held me to him, his breath heavier than usual as he tried to calm down and failed. I can't blame him because I'm in even worse shape.

I don't know how long I've been awake or most of what occurred between that time and now. Most of my memories are coated with red and bleeding with hunger and fear. When I first awakened, I knew who I was and who I needed to find, but the more time passed, the less that became the case with me in a severely panicked state.

My fingers held Sasuke's shirt like I'd die again if I let go, crying endlessly into it.

He's really here. I can hear his quick pulse, and I can feel the hardness of his body beneath mine. The familiar, comforting scent surrounding him, not to mention the warmth of his embrace, made it hard for me to find some composure.

Sasuke's here.

Everything's okay now. I know it. I thought that, but the fear in my blood refused to disappear.

What if this happens again? From what Dad said, I don't think I'll resurrect again if I die. The burning ice of grief tore a hole through my chest from the moment I realized I'd awoken. Speaking of burning, my throat was like lava. Even though I pretty much drained Yahiko, it wasn't going away.

"I named her Sarada," the prince suddenly whispered with a wavering voice.

His fingers ran through my hair as he gently grabbed my shoulders, still trembling a little, and guided me upright so he could sit beneath me. The tears weren't anywhere close to stopping for me, and even he still had a slow few running down his beautiful face.

"How is she? Is she safe? Where is she now?" Questions left my lips as I was desperate for any and all information on our daughter.

Sasuke's eyes faded from red into their usual, pretty black as they searched my face intently. It was obvious he was worried this was all a dream. "She's safe. Madara has her."

A smile met my mouth as I ran my hands up his chest to cup his face, "Sarada.... It's a good name."

He pressed his forehead to mine, closing his eyes while speaking in a heartbreakingly weak voice, "You left me."

I ran my fingers into his hair with gritted teeth, trying not to burst into sobs all over again as he uncharacteristically bared his angst.

"You'll never understand how much I-I...."

His chest heaved as he attempted to remain composed and barely managed it, "I had to bring your body home. You were gone, and there was a baby to take care of, and a funeral. I had to tell everyone that I couldn't save-!" The man's hand met the back of my head to keep me still as he hissed sadly, "I didn't want to live anymore. If not for Sarada, I would've...."

"Sasuke...." I don't like this, any of it, but I also sort of knew he'd never handle my death well. Just like I'd break into pieces if he ever disappears from my life.

Suddenly, the prince kissed me, pulling back to hold my upper arms. A bittersweet grimace marred his features, his words almost too desperate, "Please tell me this is real."

I shook my head, brushing the pretty tears rolling down his cheek with my thumb, "I promise this isn't a dream, and I'm so sorry for putting you through that."

"No, don't do that. Don't apologize," he frowned, bringing a hand up to cup mine against his face, "I wasn't there, and I should've been. I never should've let you leave my sight."

A sob shook my shoulders, and I kissed him hard, trying to physically explain how much I wished we both hadn't experienced such traumas.

His voice was breathy and light as he spoke against my lips between kisses, "I'm sorry."

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