Chapter 10

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My fingers shook as I unbuttoned the large shirt I was wearing and laid it on the ground against the wall furthest from the door before helping Ino sit down on top of it. She was crying loudly and the sound was actively breaking my heart.

Her entire body was trembling with fear. I couldn't blame her in the slightest. I was scared and I wasn't even the one about to give birth. The sound of fighting outside was only getting louder.

"S-Sakura, I need him to be here!"

I knelt down to lay a hand on her shoulder, "He's coming, Ino. We just have to keep fighting a little longer. You can do this." She leaned back to lay down as another contraction tore sounds of pain from her mouth.

My brow furrowed. I didn't know what to do or how to help her. Before I could try and figure it out, the door to the room opened and the two vampires that have been defending us backed their way inside, still holding off Kaguya's men as they followed them.

Madara sounded extremely angry as he barked out without looking back at me, "How's she doing?"

I looked down at my sister, who was squeezing my hand tightly with her eyes closed as she tried to even out her breathing. Her skin was pale and covered with a sheen of sweat. "We need to get her out of here immediately."

"Did you think we'd let you fucking walk out of here?"

My neck turned to see Hidan enter the room with even more men to reinforce him. His lips turned up into a cocky grin when our eyes met, "Time for a rematch, Baby."

Anger shot through my veins and I went to get to my feet so I could face him, only for Ino to tighten her hold, "No! Please don't leave me!"

Sasori glanced back at me before dashing over to attack Hidan and prevent him from coming any closer to us. As they began to fight, it quickly became obvious that while the foot soldiers weren't even close to being strong enough to overpower Madara and him, their numbers were beginning to become too great for them to hold them all back at the same time.

I looked down at Ino and squeezed her hand in between both of mine, "Ino, I have to help or we'll all be killed. I know you're scared, but I have to."

She sobbed as I pulled my hand away and tears rose in my eyes at the fear easily readable on her face, but I had to turn my back to her to meet the handful of men who'd managed to slip past our guards halfway across the room to keep them away from my sister.

A wave of relief came over me when I swung at the first one with all my might and my fist went through his chest. Kaguya's power was still within me. I grit my teeth and continued fighting with the others. I can do this. I have to do this.

Honestly, I was doing pretty well for a long time and eventually cleared the extra soldiers before joining Sasori in facing Hidan, like I promised I would when he agreed to aid our escape.

Ino was letting out cries of pain every couple minutes and the length between them was gradually getting shorter. She was getting closer to giving birth.

Feeling desperate to end this quickly, I dashed forward to swing at Hidan's face, but he dodged and kicked my feet out from under me. My hands managed to hit the ground before my head, but my reflexes weren't quick enough so my temple still smacked against the concrete loudly. I winced before forcing myself to get up and move away so he wouldn't have a chance to get me while I was down.

A dull throb was shooting through my skull, likely a concussion from the impact. Blood was starting to drip slowly down the side of my face as I followed Sasori's instruction and tried to distract the silver-haired menace.

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