Chapter 23

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I awoke in the middle of the night and realized that Sasuke had indeed fallen asleep. It happens so rarely that I was tempted to lay there and stare at him for a bit, to experience what it's like to be in his shoes since I'm always the one sleeping under his protective gaze, but something else plagued my mind too loudly for me to sit still. It's Deidara and Sasori's bond.

As I carefully removed myself from the prince's loose embrace and stood, I relished in the overwhelmingly warm and adoring emotions just the sight of him brought to my entire being. Even though I'm new to all of this, I can't imagine how horrible they feel because they're at odds. Maybe, just maybe, if I can speak with Deidara without all those intimidating elder vampires around, I can figure out how to both help them and get the information we need.

Madara's bed was still empty. He chose to stay out for dessert. It doesn't come as much of a surprise. He's probably sinking his teeth into a tan beauty. I also bet his teeth aren't the only thing he's sinking.

The ends of my long hair tickled my bare lower back as I crossed the room to grab a robe from the clothing rack. After sliding it on and tying it closed, I spared Sasuke's sleeping form one last glance before slipping out of the room. If I ran this plan past him, he'd say no in a heartbeat. Before Sonukuni, I'd feel more unsure about sneaking around like this, but since I know I can overpower Deidara if we fight one-on-one, that's not so much the case.

A small smile tugged at my lips as my bare feet padded silently against the stone floors of the Sunagakure castle. All the little aches and pains from earlier were gone entirely. Sasuke's blood rejuvenated me thoroughly. It's as if the fight with Amegakure's advisors never even happened.

Whenever a maid or butler would come close to noticing me, I'd duck into a hiding place and wait for them to pass. The last thing I need is for one of them to question me or, worse, tell one of the others without my knowledge. Getting caught in the act would be both humiliating and dangerous. Of course, I'm no traitor, and I don't intend to release Deidara, but it'd be easy for someone to misunderstand if they arrive at the wrong time and hear me trying to empathize with him.

Like in Konoha, the castle was alight with life regardless of the time of day. Without being told, I realized the Subakus' help sleeps in shifts. That means the aides that helped me throughout the day are asleep now, and new ones are roaming the halls in their stead.

It took a bit longer than I intended, but I successfully slipped into the dungeon without being spotted. At least, I believe so. The underground halls and cells weren't lit nearly as well as upstairs, and if I was still human, it might've even been hard to see. I followed the same path I had taken earlier and finally arrived at the cell for which I was searching.

The man's blue eyes were dark, and his skin was caked with blood and dirt, but he was awake, "Here to see if you can make me crack, hm?" He spit on the floor between us and threw a look of significant irritation and distaste shot my way.

I ignored his insulting behavior and knelt with my hands wrapped around the bars of his cell, shaking my head slowly, "I came to talk."

The chains around his ankles rattled as he adjusted his positioning, letting his head fall back against the stone wall he was propped against, "You can talk till you're blue in the face. I'm not telling you anything."

My knees hit the cold floor softly, and I sat more firmly down, "You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. Just listen." Deidara didn't offer a response and simply kept his untrusting glare firmly in place.

For a few moments, I gathered my thoughts and brainstormed what I should possibly say. I've never done this type of thing before, trying to convince the enemy to come to my side. Well, that's sort of a lie. Becoming friends with Sasori in Sonukuni was similar, but not entirely. Back then, not only was I the prisoner, but I wasn't trying to get him to switch sides. He could've just allowed my sister and Madara to escape while keeping me trapped, and I would've been more than happy to die by his hand.

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