The Final Chapter

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The entire drive back to Konoha, I couldn't stop glancing at Sasuke with a soft, happy warmth coating every inch of my being because he's not my boyfriend anymore. He's not even my fiance—Sasuke's my husband. The prince likely felt the same as me because he stared at me and the baby almost every time I looked his way.

If I wasn't struggling not to explode with joy, I was sleeping. Though that was the case, I was still beyond exhausted when we pulled up through the first gate of the castle.

My hands trembled anxiously as I looked around at the familiar trees on either side of the long road. None of the three men with me mentioned how things had been in my absence, but I can imagine Ino's broken heart without all that. What will she say or do? Is she going to be angry? I missed her and the others so much it hurts to think about it.

"Perhaps it's best if I park further away and warn everyone before you enter," Madara mused, glancing at me in the rearview.

I nodded but then shrugged, groaning, "I don't know. I'm so nervous. Will it be okay, do you think?"

A hand landed atop my knee, and I looked over to meet Sasuke's warm gaze. He nodded once but said nothing.

Swallowing anxiously, I nodded back, "Alright. Let's do that. I don't want to just walk in. It might be too much of a shock for everyone."

"And what 'bout me? You gonna lock me back up in that damn cellar?" Hidan asked sourly, sounding as though he'd already expected me to confirm the suspicion.

I opened my mouth to do just that, recalling all the crimes he'd committed against me and Konoha, only for Sasuke to cut me off, "You'll make an oath to do no harm to us or Konoha if you don't want to be in chains again."

My gaze shot over to the prince in shock, but Madara nodded before I could ask, "Without his help, this might not have ended so happily, Goddess. He nagged us until we agreed to look for you."

Hidan's jaw flexed. I could see it from the back seat, but he didn't turn to face me or even say a word. Frowning, I slowly nodded, "...Okay. I trust your judgment." The primary reason for his crimes was that he was bound to Amegakure through Yahiko and Nagato. Now that both are dead, he has no reason to harm me or the others.

"Not to sound ungrateful, but I'm fucking surprised you don't want to kill me, Babe."

Before I could correct him, Sasuke bit, "Call her that again, and I'll change my mind."

A smile tugged at my lips. The prince has always been protective and a little possessive, but I feel those traits will be heightened for a while. Regardless, I added, "If you hadn't given me those keys in Ame, I'd lock you back up, but you did," I paused, lowering my voice sarcastically, "Not that they did any good, but still."

"Geez, really feelin' the damn love," Hidan scoffed but didn't argue further.

Madara soon pulled the large car to the side of the road. He and Hidan walked ahead while Sasuke moved to the front seat, and we watched the duo.

Looking down at Sarada, I brushed her chubby little cheek with my thumb, smiling when a gummy grin tugged at her lips, pretty dark eyes gleaming up at me, "Thank you, Sasuke."

He met my eye in the rearview when I looked up.

"I'm so happy, and it's all thanks to you," I whispered in an unsteady voice, trying not to cry.

Sasuke hummed warmly, turning the car back on and beginning to drive us slowly up the rest of the way to the roundabout in front of the castle's main entrance, but he said nothing. A small laugh passed my lips as I looked down at our daughter again, wiping shakily at a tear that managed to overflow.

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