Chapter 47

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While bathing and trying to keep my crying silent, a knock came at the bathroom door. I wiped frantically at my eyes and cleared my throat before sinking lower into the water, "Who is it?"

Rather than verbally respond, Ino helped herself into the room, shutting the door softly behind her with an empathetic expression on her perfect face. Then, I was sobbing freely. She knew what Kakashi told me, and she knew better than anyone what my thoughts on children were.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't stress yourself out further, Saku," Ino gently cooed, quickly getting undressed to join me in the bath. (AN: This is normal in this AU if anyone's forgotten.)

She brushed the hair away from my face, smiling softly when I dropped my hands from where they'd covered my face, "You were there for me when I went through this, so now I'll be there for you."

I sniffled as she wiped at my tears with all the care of a mother, "I-I don't even know for sure yet!"

Blue eyes warmed, "Regardless of if you are or aren't, all of us will be here to support you."

"Didn't you hear Kakashi's thoughts? I'm going to die if I go through with it, Ino."

That's when her composure faltered, but she quickly disregarded the statement, "Of course, I'm worried about that, but I know you well. There's no chance of you, or Sasuke, letting that happen. You'll find a way. You always do."

She's a big fat liar. For my sake, I can tell she's putting up a brave front. Even if that's true, her determination to be a voice of comfort and reason meant the world to me. I did the same thing for her when we were prisoners of Kaguya, reassuring her every day that she and her baby would make it out of there alive despite not knowing how I'd make that happen.

"...If it's true, what am I going to do? Sasuke and I aren't married yet. The pregnancy will be looked at as an abomination."

Ino scoffed, turning me around and beginning to massage soap into my hair, "There's no way you actually believe that, right? Even Fugaku adores you, and he's not the easiest person to melt."

For some reason, I couldn't stop voicing my many concerns, but she offered sound responses to each one.

"Won't Sasuke be angry, though? When he finds out, do you think he'll try to make me, um, you know?"

"Last time I checked, conceiving a child takes two people, so you're not the only one at fault, not there's a fault to be had. As for an abortion, he says he's ready to hurt a child if it means protecting you, but I truly don't believe he'll be able to go through with it, whether it's yours or someone else's. He's too good a man."

She's right. I know she's right.

"But what if I become too weak to travel after we've left?"

"Then 'your boys' can take turns carrying you. What else are you worried about? Keep 'em coming."

I closed my eyes and remained quiet for a long time while she finished washing my hair. Eventually, I opened them and whispered, "Please don't tell him. I should be the one to do it."

Ino leaned to the side, and I looked over to see her glaring unseriously, "Don't insult me."

A smile tugged at my lips, the tears finally cutting off, but then I groaned, fully turning toward her, "How am I supposed to face anyone now?"

"Just tell them you're feeling off because of the illness. They won't know any better," she shrugged nonchalantly.

So, we finished bathing and soon got out. While drying, she gasped, "Oh, I forgot to ask! Any progress on the engagement front?"

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