Chapter 25

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Since Madara, Sasuke, and I finally came to a compromise, no matter how shaky it may be, the three of us returned to the party. It was wordlessly decided between us to wait until we weren't smack in the middle of a celebration to have a more in-depth conversation.

I primarily danced with Matsuri and left both Uchihas to enjoy the party how they wished because I didn't feel like dancing with Madara after such a tough encounter. Sasuke isn't the type to partake in such rowdy activities with so many strangers around. I pretended to drink the alcohol served to me, but I would take it into my mouth and then let it return to the glass. Everyone around me wasn't doing that, so they were too drunk to realize.

The crowd was most intoxicated in the early morning hours, and I excused myself with a clever ruse of needing to visit the ladies' room. Instead, I snuck to the castle's clothing storage and changed into clothing more appropriate for traveling in the desert: loose tan pants and a long-sleeved brown shirt. I've worn pants before when Ino was training me how to fight, but it's still such a foreign feeling. Before leaving, I snagged a thin cloak and left the castle via window so no one would see me using a primary exit.

As quietly as possible, I navigated the castle's large courtyard, searching for the travel pack Matsuri had prepared for me. Once I located it, I swiftly pulled it onto my shoulders and fled the vicinity; the cloak's hood pulled up to hide my recognizable hair color.

Honestly, I wanted to locate Sasuke before leaving, so I could have a fresh image of him to encourage me, but it was too risky. He'll also be close enough to see me if I'm close enough to see him. Then he'll ruin my plans.

The speed I traveled between the time I left Sunagakure castle and sunrise was borderline reckless, but I didn't have much of a choice. Everyone will begin searching for me when they notice my absence, so there's no room for hesitation.

I also made a point to do the opposite of what I usually would; that way, the Uchiha men couldn't track me as easily. For example, when I happened upon a small village mid-morning, I didn't stop at the inn to rest. Instead, I glowed a family to allow me to use their home. It felt awful to take advantage of strangers like that. I told myself it was for the greater good because if Amegakure got their hands on me, I could destroy countless families just like this one.

Sleeping a full eight hours would allow chasers to catch up, so I had the homeowners wake me after just two. Then I scrounged up a light meal and vacated the village to get back on the road to Kakurega.

The heat was sweltering. When walking around Sunagakure with Matsuri, I thought I'd faint due to the blistering atmosphere, but that was a cakewalk compared to this. Any time I raised my eyes to the horizon, the image would wave and distort.

Unlike elsewhere, the Land of Wind doesn't have numerous villages scattered around. In the vast desert, there was only the one I'd just rested at in between Sunagakure and my ultimate destination.

For hours, I traveled without a moment's rest. By the middle of the night, my legs felt akin to jelly. If I attempted to change the measured pace my feet had been moving for the entire day, I knew I'd collapse, so I just kept walking. Matsuri's map said I should reach Kakurega in roughly thirty hours on foot. It's been over twenty-four by now, so I can't give up. I'm too close to stop.

With shaking hands, I lifted my water canteen to my lips, only for it to be empty. Even if dread washed through me, I didn't have enough energy to react outwardly. I'm hungry as hell because I haven't eaten anything since leaving Suna, but more than that, I'm parched. The thirst wasn't just for water, either. An uneven burn was searing the flesh inside of my throat, begging for relief.

After sweating profusely throughout the day, the biting cold served as a stark contrast. The Land of Wind doesn't know mild weather, only extremes.

As I lifted my gaze ahead, I perked up when lights appeared to be in the very far distance, upon the horizon. Is that...? Can it be I've arrived already? I don't know how much rest time Matsuri had factored into her arrival estimation.

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