Chapter 12

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My eyebrow furrowed as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Sasuke said I changed a bit when I turned, but I thought he was just talking about my hair growing longer. It wasn't like my features physically changed, but it was as though everything was a bit lighter, clearer than before.

The out of this world aura that I felt around Kaguya when I first met her was a more amplified version of what I was seeing in myself. In an attempt to normalize my appearance, I braided my hair messily like I used to when I first came to the castle and put on one of the more plain dresses that I owned.

"You smell different, as well."

My eyes darted over to see the prince watching me from the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest, "What?"

He closed his eyes, looking irritated, "You still smell human, even better than before."

An annoyed groan left my lips. As if I need that. Vampires already act weird because of my scent.

Sasuke walked with me downstairs for the first time since I woke up. Everyone was in the family room and when I walked through the doorway, it got silent as they turned to look at me.

My lips tugged into an anxious frown and I awkwardly averted my gaze to the ground, "Good morning..."

Arms wrapped around my shoulders and I jolted in surprise when I heard Mikoto's relieved voice, "We were so worried, Dear. Welcome home." I returned her embrace and tried not to cry.

When she pulled back, she placed a kiss atop my head before giving me a motherly smile, "Come see your nephew, Sakura."

The king and Madara wordlessly acknowledged my arrival when I glanced at them before allowing the queen to pull me to the plush rug where the baby was sprawled out atop a soft blanket, Sai and Ino sitting beside him. I gave the couple a smile as I came to sit on the other side of the blanket. Unsurprisingly, they looked inseparable. It would likely be weeks before either of them relaxes again.

A gasp left my lips when I looked down at Inojin, "He's...He's so much bigger!"

Mikoto laughed softly as she came to sit beside me, "As someone who's raised three children, allow me to explain. Humans take anywhere from sixteen to twenty years to fully mature into an adult, where vampires usually take eight to ten years."

My surprise quickly faded and I nodded in understanding before reaching down to gently caress his pretty blonde hair. A noise of shock left my chest when his eyes opened to reveal pale blue, identical to his mother's.

My sister let out a small giggle and raised a hand to her lips, "It's kind of funny that he doesn't have black eyes and hair, right?" My lips spread into a grin and I nodded, laughing softly as I looked back down at her son as he blinked cutely up at me.

"He still has my Sai's features though. He'll undoubtedly grow up strong and handsome," Mikoto mused in a dreamy voice.

Ino reached up to gently cup her husband's face, "You're right."

For a moment, I studied the man in question. She'd been so worried he wouldn't be excited to have a baby, but up until now the only time I've seen him so expressive was the day they met and the day of their wedding. His dark eyes were warm and a content feeling surrounded him as he leaned into his wife's touch.

My eyes widened when I suddenly sensed that Sasori was standing in the furthest corner of the room with his usual blank expression. Everyone else carried on with their conversations as I rose to go say hello.

"Thank you, again. Without your help, none of this would've been possible. I owe you more than my life."

He corrected his posture and spoke calmly, "We made a deal. I do not take promises lightly."

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