Chapter 18

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Ino immediately shot down my idea of finding another woman for Madara to focus on because she said she's too familiar with his thoughts and doesn't believe he's capable of fully focusing on someone else at this point. She said I'm too late to change things and that left me feeling defeated.

That is, until the next morning when Sasuke and I ran into the man in question leaving his room with Mito Uzumaki in tow on our way downstairs for breakfast. I quickly looked between the two, eyes wide, before averting my gaze forward and unconsciously walking slightly quicker.

Oh hell no. Fuck no. This can't be happening.

The moment I saw them, I felt...not necessarily jealous, but maybe protective as though Mito's somehow threatening his well being. It's the blood talking, that's all it is. That has to be it. Since he's one of my masters, my entire being reacts to him in ways that don't necessarily reflect my own, genuine, emotions.

Truly, I don't care if he fucks everyone in Konoha, man or woman. It's none of my business and even if the Uchihas in Konoha are more reserved than other vampires, they're still incredibly sexual beings.

Ino even told me a couple months back that both Itachi and Madara often adapt to other city's culture when visiting, Suna's included. She said that Sasuke and Sai used to, as well, before we came along. After that, she admitted to not being opposed to maybe trying it out at some point, to my mortification. All of that news put some very unwelcome images in my mind, but I'm trying my best to adapt because it's not their race now: it's ours.

Everyone from the rescue mission, Obito and Rin included, joined in the dining room for breakfast. Per Fugaku's instruction, no one should venture far away from the castle for the next week just in case Amegakure goes against expectations and retaliates for our underhanded way of rescuing Obito.

The meal actually seemed rather comfortable with a soft, warm chatter dusting the air until Shikamaru suddenly spoke above the sound, "Forgive me if my asking is offensive or unwelcome, but Lady Haruno, is it true you were turned with three masters?"

A blush rose to my face at the incredibly formal way he addressed me, not to mention at how the room got silent and everyone turned to look at me. I could only nod, not sure what to say or how to act.

"Three? That's crazy! What's it like?" Izumi asked with what was obviously genuine curiosity.

Madara met my eye and I formed an unhappy glare, frowning, "I'm unsure if it's only three, at this point. I wasn't aware I had more than one until just days ago."

I dropped my gaze down to my plate then, a bit regretful that I'd let my emotions get the better of me like that. Speaking so rudely at the dinner table is definitely not a show of good manners. Mito was right when she said it's hard to control new vampires. Before, I would've been able to keep it together much more easily.

"How could you not know? What about the drea-"

"Oh, Izumi! I've been meaning to ask if you'd like me to make you a dress before your departure! You too, Mito! Temari, I finished yours just yesterday if you're available for a fitting, as well." Ino saved me from having to admit in front of all these people that I've had some awfully naughty dreams about not one, not two, but three different men over the past couple weeks.

Immediately, Izumi seemed to realize what happened and allowed the conversation to change, "You don't mind? Can you make it purple? That's my favorite!" The table fell back into its casual chatter after another few moments.

After the meal, Ino, Izumi, Mito, Temari, and myself walked to Ino's shop. After glowing Minato and Kushina to disregard any strange things they may overhear, not to mention that Mito is almost a dead ringer for Naruto's mom, I began brewing some tea while Ino took Mito's measurements, Naruto took Izumi's, and Kushina showed Temari to the dressing room so she could try on the dress Ino constructed for her.

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