Chapter 52

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I stared at the sleeping infant lying in a white crib while I sat on the edge of the bed. After Inojin was born, I realized parenthood was a definite possibility in my future, but I never expected it to happen this soon or, more importantly, this way.

Sarada is the only reason I'm alive. If not for her, I'd have- "Sasuke."

My eyes darted to the bedroom doorway to see Madara standing there.

He looks like shit. Then again, everyone in this damn castle does.

"Fugaku wants to see you in his office."

Nodding absently, I stood. The long-haired man took my place watching Sarada, though he pretended to be capable of reading a book instead of sitting there and zoning out. We both know he's not comprehending a word.

It's not that I don't trust the rest of my family, but Madara is the only one I can allow to watch over her when I'm absent. While Sakura was stuck with Tsunade, and he and I were trying to find a way to ensure I wouldn't be killed if she didn't survive, there was a night when my stress levels had gotten too high. I told Madara he was the one I'd want to raise Sarada if we failed, and I meant it. I still feel that way.

I don't know if it's because I know it's what Sakura would've wanted or if I genuinely care for and trust my uncle. Either way, he accepted without taunting or questioning.

As soon as I stepped into the hallway, the sound of Inojin crying in my brother and Ino's room met my ears. It's been a week since we returned home and three days since Sakura's funeral. My nephew has been inconsolable since the rest of the family was informed of her death. The idea that he's sensitive to others' emotions is all but confirmed at this point.

My mother cared for him for the first few days because Ino was so distraught that she was unstable, and Sai needed to be there for her, but Mom's heartbroken, too. It doesn't matter who the kid's around; he's not going to shut up.

Usually, I'd be irritated at the constant crying, but I can hardly hear it with everything else going on. I wish I could cry like that. Fuck, I want to. I might never stop if I start, though, so keeping my mouth shut and my emotions locked down is all I can do. There's no choice. I have to be here for Sarada. She-


As I approached the king's office door with watering eyes, I fisted my hands in an attempt to calm down.

The baby looks so much like her mother. Yes, her hair and eye color are mine, but everything else is Sakura. It's tearing me apart. I can't stand to look at my own damn daughter's face.

It feels like a gaping wound is open in my chest, and I don't foresee the tortuous sensation going away anytime soon.

I couldn't look at Sakura's face at the funeral, either. All I could see was the gut-wrenching acceptance of her fate when Madara and I found her. She looked content with things, and that pisses me off to no end.

What's worse? We don't even know if the Amegakure royals survived or died.

We intercepted Jiraiya, who'd been trying to reach Tsunade, only to stop him and demand he tell us where Sakura was. He refused, too focused on that fucking blonde bitch. Itachi, Izumi, and Kakashi subdued him while Madara and I tracked the scent of the woman's blood to find her moments from death.

The white-haired vampire's currently in chains in the dungeon. I don't give a fuck if he's not personally responsible. He left her alone when she was in that state. My only relief is that we arrived before she passed. If she'd died alone and scared, not knowing if anyone would find the baby quickly enough, I don't doubt I'd have coated the closest village with blood. I'd never be able to return home, that's for sure.

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