Chapter 46

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The following morning, everyone gathered around the dining table, where Fugaku had laid out a large map of the continent. It was being determined who'd be teaming up and where each duo would travel. Now, though, the reason was to find a cure for whatever was happening to my body.

Guilt ate angrily at my chest as I sat silently at the end of the table and tried not to think about how everyone had put the attention that should be on the impending war onto me. Earlier, I overcame my fear of dying and requested the king avert his focus to the Amegakure vampires, but he denied me while refusing to elaborate on his decision.

I stared down at the discolored skin on my hands and forearms. Ever since the vein-like pattern appeared, random bouts of debilitating exhaustion and pain would arise, only to disappear just as swiftly. The steady hum of the others seriously talking seemed to grow louder as my thoughts became less and less calm, the quickening heartbeat in my ears also becoming impossible to ignore.

Too many things were happening at once.

Tsunade and Jiraiya were either captured or back in Kakurega village, and a trap lay between here and there for us. If they were prisoners of the Amegakure vampires, then it was likely a trap awaited at the meeting place they suggested, too. Even if I do go, there's no guarantee they'll follow through with their promise to let them go free in exchange.

Now, I also have Sasuke to stress about.

Last night, he proposed, if you can call it that. He pretty much snuck a ring onto my finger and decided we were engaged. The Uchiha prince appeared focused on his father's instruction, but I've avoided him all morning.

What am I supposed to say?

How am I supposed to act?

Of course, I want to marry him, but I also have to respect myself. I deserve at least the bare minimum of a proposal, and he didn't even offer that. Madara, Ino, and Mikoto have been looking at the two of us with obvious amusement, which I found annoying, but I didn't say anything about it because it was insignificant compared to everything else.

Suddenly feeling overstimulated and hot, I got to my feet and walked toward the exit. I paused when a member of the Militia arrived, bowing to the royal family as they turned toward him, "Kakashi Hatake has arrived."

Said white-haired man entered, smiling calmly as Fugaku greeted him, "Thank you for coming on such short notice. Unfortunately, there isn't time for formalities. Please, join us, so we can fill you in on the details."

In the middle of the king's statement, the increasingly familiar flame shot through my midsection, the tip of the burn stinging my throat and the roof of my mouth. Trying not to draw attention to myself, I stumbled slowly over to the doorframe so as to not collapse to the ground if a wave of exhaustion was to follow. Luckily, it seemed no one noticed.

I clutched at my neck with trembling fingers. How does my skin feel ice cold, but my insides feel like they're melting? I weakly straightened my spine, intending to continue through the doorway rather than get caught in such a vulnerable state by so many people, only for the strength of my limbs to fail.

Just as I thought I would crumple to the ground, a strong arm caught me around the waist and pulled me against its owner's body so they could take on most of my weight. I didn't need to look to know it was Sasuke. The exhausted feeling disappeared, as did the burning pain, leaving me a trembling mess of anxiety.

That's when I realized the room had gone silent because the king suddenly spoke, "As you can see, the situation's quite dire. Perhaps you've encountered something similar in your travels?"

I spoke softly, feeling humiliated, "May I please be excused?" Having caught my breath, I straightened my posture and stood on my own two feet. It was like the bout of weakness had never happened.

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