Chapter 30

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Sasuke had me climb onto his back once we were outside so that he could shield me from any onlookers' view, and then the three of us walked swiftly and silently through the alleyways of Kakurega village.

The Uchiha prince's familiar scent brought a comfort I desperately needed after being stabbed through the heart and nearly dying, so I frowned as I basked in it. He hasn't said a word since Madara and I showed up, covered in blood and exhausted.

I know he's beyond pissed, but for some reason, he hasn't lost his temper and yelled at me yet. Instead, he's robotically traveling at his uncle's side with an aura of stoicism. With each step the Uchiha men made, the air around us became tenser, and I'm not eager to find out what will happen once we're no longer surrounded by potential danger.

Before being told to leave by Tsunade and Jiraiya, I was nearly dead on my feet, but now I'm wide awake and wishing Sasuke would go off on me because his being silent is somehow scarier.

The hour to the outskirts of the village was relatively uneventful, and then I was placed on my feet. The three of us traveled into the desert, braving the biting cold of the desert night's breeze. Maybe two hours of uncomfortable travel later, we came upon a small, dry cave.

Sasuke grabbed my wrist and pulled me more firmly along until we reached the back wall of the natural shelter when he all but shoved me forward. Tears welled in my eyes before I could even straighten my spine and turn because I knew the time had come to face the backlash of my choice to leave Suna alone. As I expected, when I faced them, both men glared at me with unfiltered ire.

Sasuke's voice was laced with a threat that I'd better be honest and docile for the moment, "Why are you always ready to put yourself in danger?"

I wiped my slowly falling tears with one hand but refused to stand there without trying to explain myself, "Sasuke, you saw what happened to those people! Everyone around me is going to be in danger until I kill Nagato and Yahiko."

Madara's fists clenched at his sides, and his jaw flexed, but Sasuke stepped toward me, "Running off alone and almost getting yourself killed isn't helping anyone, Sakura!"

My eyes widened as he raised his voice at me for the first time in a very long time. For most of our life together, it's been us against whatever the opposition is at the time. Now, I'm the opposition, and I know it. This rocky feeling he's emitting is all my fault.

"What the hell were you thinking? Are you an idiot?"

My anger bubbled up at his unfiltered way of questioning me because it was both insulting and much too emotional for what I'd come to expect from him. We haven't fought like this since the night we first kissed.

"Why don't you trust me, Sasuke? I'm not a helpless little girl anymore!"

Dark eyes narrowed further, and he took another step toward me, stopping barely an arm's length away, "I know that. What I don't know is how you could leave me behind!"

Like that, every ounce of my rage melted into desperation and hurt because he completely misunderstood my actions. I can tell I hurt him, leaving as I did. In his eyes, I did it because I didn't want him and Madara around, but that's simply not the truth.

"S-Sasuke, I-" "No, Sakura."

As quickly as my anger had melted, did his reinvigorate with a vengeance, and suddenly his hands circled my upper arms as his eyes glowed down at me. Madara finally moved, standing closer in case he needed to step in.

"You don't understand-" "No! I don't! When did you turn into someone that's comfortable sneaking around and lying?"

My voice cracked as I pressed against his chest and continued trying to explain, "I'm not! That's not me! Listen, I-" "He's right."

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