Chapter 41

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I struggled to keep a straight face as Sasuke, Madara, and I walked through the front doors of our home in Konoha. We spent five days in that hotel room before choosing to resume travel. Without going into much detail, let's just say the three of us are much more comfortable around one another than before. Personally, I wouldn't have minded a few more days, but war still loomed over the country, so business has to come before pleasure.

"Welcome home, Sakura!" My face lit up into a smile as Mikoto threw her arms around me when we stepped into the family room.

Her voice wavered slightly, "We were so worried, sweetheart. We didn't know if you'd make it back alive."

Tears welled in my eyes as I tightly returned the embrace, "I missed everyone."

The queen pulled away, delicately wiping her eyes with a beautiful smile as she then hugged her son, "Honey, it must've been hard. I'm so proud of you."

She offered Madara a smile but didn't say anything. I grabbed his hand, offering him a reassuring glance. No one here knows that the tension and drama between the three of us has been entirely resolved. He squeezed it back with an expression that told me he expected things to be awkward for a while at home.

I bowed politely to the king, who came to stand beside his wife.

"It's been brought to my attention that you did not betray Konoha. Even some of the strongest men in the world would break after being killed multiple times. You have the gratitude of the royal family, Miss Haruno."

"Thank you, Sir...." A blush warmed my cheeks at how formally he addressed me, but then, I shouldn't expect Fugaku to call me by my first name. He's much too professional for that.

He gave Sasuke a firm look, nodding once as though to say he approved of how things played out in Amegakure. Then he turned to Madara, "Brother, would you join me in my office for a debriefing? I'd like to take your statement on the battle and fill you in on what's transpired in your absence." The man at my side released my hand and followed his older brother out of the room and upstairs without a glance back.

Glancing around the now-empty room, I asked nervously, "Where is everyone?"

Mikoto hugged me again, this time kissing the top of my head before speaking in a warm voice, "Sai, Ino, and the baby should be returning from the shop any minute, and-" I sensed some kind of movement near the doorway that led toward the dining room and pulled back, only to suck in a shaky breath when Sasori stood there with Deidara and Kakuzu at his side. The last time I saw the blonde man, he was dead on the floor by my hand.

A sob choked up, and I rushed over to hug him, "I-I'm sorry!"

He returned the embrace, voice wavering as he obviously tried not to cry, "I should be the one apologizing. It's my fault you were captured, and you still tried to save me."

A negating sound left my lips as I pulled back, smiling at Sasori and Kakuzu, "I'm happy to see you two are safe, too."

Sasori's eyes warmed, but he didn't offer a verbal response. Kakuzu bowed his head slightly, an aura of guilt surrounding him, "I understand if you wish to punish me for torturing you. I won't try to run; do what you must."

Sasuke's hand slipped into mine and gently pulled me back to stand at his side. I looked over to see he was glaring intensely at the long-haired man, but he surprised me by not immediately making a decision on my behalf, "I'd like to kill both of you for what you've done, but I realize there are things I still don't know."

He looked at me, the cold stare softening slightly, "I'll leave that decision to you and my father."

"Sakura, you look even more beautiful than I remember."

Empty Eyes: The SequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora