Chapter 32

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After committing an act I never imagined I would, I was so exhausted that I fell asleep before I could even get up to lay properly or get under the covers. When I woke, I was incredibly comfortable and basked in the warmth of the blankets around me, not quite ready to open my eyes and start the day because as soon as I did, we'll be heading back out into the desert.

"-do it again?" That was Madara's voice just then. He was whispering. Obviously, he was under the impression I was still asleep, and I could tell by the fact that he sounded incredibly close and the warm limb strewn lazily over my hips that he was lying at my side.

There's another one, though, across my waist. I didn't have to sit with my curiosity for long because Sasuke whispered in an irritated tone, "Yes."

"One of us must always keep an eye on her." A sound of agreement came next.

At first, I thought they were discussing whether I'd be interested in repeating what happened last night, but now I know they're worried I'm going to run off behind their backs again. The uncomfortable topic aside, it makes me happy to hear them peacefully speaking with one another when they don't know I'm listening. In the back of my mind, I'd still been suspicious they were just pretending to get along for my sake.

On the topic of discussion, though, they're right to be concerned because I intend to slip away the moment I get a chance. Try as I might, I can't convince myself that it's okay to let these two throw themselves in harm's way by traveling with me. Out there in the desert, I took down Kakuzu a million times easier than I could've just a few days ago, so I'm confident I can kill Nagato and Yahiko alone. I'll be as quick as possible, so I can hurry back and beg for their forgiveness because they'll both be completely pissed.

It doesn't feel good to lie like this. In fact, the guilt it causes feels like it'll eat me alive, but I have to be strong. I must endure it for everyone I love and care about, not just the two men in this bed. Ino, Inojin, and the others won't be safe since there's a chance I could be forced to murder them in cold blood. If what Deidara suspects is true, Yahiko could find a place to hide and control me from the shadows without being spotted.

"I'm surprised she did it."

Another sound of agreement came from Sasuke, but he also verbally responded this time, "I'm sure she is, too." This time, I think they are talking about the sex.

"Will you stop her if she wants to-" "She's mine. That won't change."

It was silent for a long moment after that, and I became tempted to pretend to wake just to make it end, but Madara finally replied, "I'm aware of the fact. I still suggest you remember who you're speaking with the next time you feel the need to assert your dominance."

Sasuke scoffed but didn't say anything else. Instead, I felt his arm tighten around my waist as he pressed his lips to my shoulder. The other one, Madara's, suddenly moved, and he ran his fingers across my lower abdomen to rest his palm there, tone back to normal and less threatening, "I thought hearing her was incredible, but the sight, the feel...."

I knew it was futile to keep pretending because my face began heating up at his much too honest words, so I slowly opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling as I waited for them to react.

"Last night really wore you out, my dear. How did you sleep?"

I squeezed my eyes closed again, groaning at Madara's successful attempt to get a rise out of me. Both Uchiha men chuckled softly, but I ignored it and focused on deeply breathing to calm myself.

"We should leave soon," Sasuke's lips brushed against my shoulder as he spoke.

I turned my head to look at him, heart fluttering at the warm glint in his eye, "Do we have to?"

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