Chapter 33

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"I still think I should go alone, but you two aren't going to let that happen, so let's go ahead and skip over that part," I grumbled unhappily before sipping some of the delicious sake Matsuri realized I'd taken a liking to.

"Oh, good. You're aware of an argument's irrelevance." I scoffed at Madara's half-serious taunt.

After relaxing in the spring for a while, we ate a late dinner, and now we're winding down for the night with drinks and a discussion on what we should do going forward. It was a great relief when I realized Gaara lightens up, if only a bit, when drinking. At the very least, his eyes wandered over to his bride-to-be more often, increasing as he continued sipping his drink. Matsuri didn't pretend not to notice or that she wasn't ecstatic to receive his attention.

"It would be best to lure them away from the city. My people's safety is my biggest priority."

The table nodded in agreement with the king's statement. Above all else, unnecessary casualties are something I want to avoid. Many have been hurt already, and I don't know if I can bare the guilt if the number continues to rise.

"South of Sunagakure, there's an abandoned fort from the last war. Its condition should be sound enough to provide shelter should we find the need to linger." Kankuro's focused tone and expression starkly contrast with what I've come to expect.

His usual grin returned when he noticed my poorly-masked intrigue, "What? If I hope to stand a chance of spending a night in your arms, I need to take this seriously!" I rolled my eyes, ignoring Matsuri and Madara's snickering.

The Sunagakure prince returned to his less-flirtatious persona, "The fort is only half a day's travel away on foot. Should we leave first thing in the morning?"

Sasuke spoke for the first time since dinner ended, "We don't need you to come along."

Everyone turned to give him a surprised look, but I could tell he was being misunderstood, "What he means to say is that we don't want to put any of you in further danger by asking for your involvement."

Sasuke continued, intention clearer this time, "May we use a few dozen of your soldiers? That should suffice."

Gaara nodded, face as stoic as ever, "I'll have my captains prepare fifty of our best."

Matsuri surprised me, and likely everyone else, by suddenly arguing, "I want to go, as well! Please allow me to help my treasured friend, Lord Gaara."

The redheaded vampire's eyes darted to her instantly, "I forbid it."

Stunning us further, she ventured to talk back to him, "What does it say of my character if I don't fight for those I hold dear?"

Gaara's eyes suddenly flashed bright red, and the woman closed her mouth quickly, eyes wide, "It says that you understand the importance of your role as my queen. You are not to leave this castle until the battle has ended." Matsuri was silently crying and didn't bother wiping her tears but seemed about to retort with another argument.

I cut her off for her own sake, "He's right. I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt. Please say you'll listen to Lord Gaara." Watery brown eyes met mine, and I offered her a reassuring smile, "Please promise me, Matsuri. As my friend."

Reluctantly, she nodded, wiping her tears at last.

"My brother will join you as Sunagakure's war general."

Kankuro bowed slightly as a sign to his brother that he accepted his role, "We'll leave at first light. Goddess, you and your masters will travel ahead by twenty minutes." I nodded, glancing at the Uchiha men in question.

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