Chapter 11

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That's all that was left.

Electric waves of energy surged through me barely a moment after I was sure I died and my eyes shot open. It wasn't normal, though, my vision. It was like I was watching someone else's red-hued vision frantically dance up to see Sasuke's surprised face.

Somehow, I was able to fight the chaos shooting through me long enough to shove my wrist in his mouth once more. He bit in an instant, as though he didn't believe this was actually happening. As soon as I realized he'd gotten some of my blood, I couldn't hold back my body's urges any further.

In the blink of an eye, I was on my feet and shooting toward an enraged Kaguya. All I wanted, all I needed, was to see blood. I had to inflict damage. My entire body and soul yearned to tear her apart.

It was like a wild predatory animal had taken over me. I slashed and clawed and ripped at her recklessly. She did the same to me in a more controlled manner, but I couldn't feel an ounce of pain. Some kinds of sounds were pouring endlessly from my lips, but I couldn't hear anything but mine and her heartbeats.

Every limb she broke of mine automatically began healing as soon as she landed a hit, but I would've kept going even if they weren't.

"You can't control it, can you? You're so bloodthirsty you've lost yourself!" I heard her taunt, but couldn't really take in the words because I was too focused on killing her.

Every time my skin would come into contact with hers, I could feel my body stealing her energy. Her light was fading quickly. As though seeing myself in third-person, I watched as I ripped her arm from her body and tossed it haphazardly away before going in for more. The more blood that left her wounds, the more I wanted to see.

A burning ran from my chest up into my throat and I sank my teeth into her neck, ignoring her fighting. It was the most delectable thing I've tasted in my life. No meal I've ever had or probably would ever have again could come close to comparing to it.

Wild moans and whines rose from my chest as I desperately drank until she stopped moving and we went to the ground. The moment the blood flow stopped, an unbelievable amount of energy and power rushed through me and I pulled back to sit on my knees and gasped with wide eyes as I relished in the incredible sensation.

It was like a barrier broke and suddenly I could hear what else was going on in the room. A baby was crying. My neck turned so swiftly that if I was still human, it might've killed me. I couldn't recognize Sai pulling his jacket off to wrap his newborn in or even Sasuke as he slowly approached with his hands up in an attempt to keep me calm.

All I could think about was blood. My eyes darted around desperately and when I couldn't smell or see any that I wanted, I left to go find some. I heard him call after me, but couldn't even comprehend it.

Once out in the hall, I caught a whiff of the delicious liquid and took off in the direction it was coming from. Finally, I came upon a small room where two militiamen were helping a third one bandage up a deep cut on his arm. They seemed to recognize me, but undoubtedly realized something was off because the two uninjured ones reached for their weapons.

My red-tinted vision could only focus on the deep colored liquid running down their friend's arm and I flicked my wrist at the two guarding him, throwing them across the room and stopping their movements so they couldn't get up and bother me again. The ragged burning came up to my chest and throat again as the man stood and took a few steps backwards with terror on his face. My steps stumbled as my thirst took over all of my senses.

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