Chapter 92: The Umodragons

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"thAt fIghT beTweEn sPinNer And ThaT kiD is GetTinG moRe iNteNse. I waNt tO heLp bUt..." Bomi flew to the refugees where Ayatsuru stationed the Umodragons.

"What's stopping us from eating these humans?"

"Nothing. Only our own self restraint."

"Ah but Master would probably unravel us."

"Then we'll only feast on the cruel ones. Like that lizard, or... What was his name? The one who started all of this?"

"All For One? I fear he'd taste disgusting... Like a rotting corpse."

"Come to think of it, I think he's already dead."

"Tch, good riddance."

"seRpeNtiNe, lEviAthAn," Bomi approached the two dragons. They both looked at her uninterested.

"What is it, Bird?"

"Answer me a question. Do we eat the bad guys, or the good guys?"

"maSteR neEds Us bY hiS siDe."

"This fight must be very serious if Master needs us."

"You other high-ends can stand aside for this one. Me and Serpentine can handle this ourselves." Leviathan said, cockily.

"Is it all high-ends? Because Monster's dead."

"he Is?!" Bomi almost fell out of shock. "tHat ExpLaiNs wHy maSteR coUldN't fInd Him."

"Well I don't know. I just heard it from somewhere."

"If Master didn't feel it, then I don't think he's dead."

"I hope he shows up. He's the only one of you all I can deal with." Serpentine stopped speaking which lead to silence. "It's because he doesn't speak."

"yoU heAd oVer To mAstEr. i'Ll fInd MonSter."

Both Leviathan and Serpentine stood up, revealing their massive sizes. Leviathan was more muscular while Serpentine was more shiny and snake-like. They seemed to be as big as a 2nd story house when they were resting, but now they were nearly double that.

"You think Master is okay?"

"Well, we're all still standing, aren't we?"

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