❥ Accidental Innuendos

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"Hey, Tony? Why do those look so tight on you," you ask about his briefs. He chuckles and responds,"I don't know. But they are really constricting; I barely fit inside them." Laughter escapes your mouth as your bewildered love looks at you with a puzzled expression. He knits his eyebrows together whilst trying to figure out why you're losing your shit. "Tony... Think," you encourage. His cheeks turn red and he starts stammering. "I-uh. Um, I didn't mean it that way. I swear!" Tony's head hangs in shame as you silently giggle to yourself.


Steve looks for some leftover salad in the fridge from last night. His head is stuck in the fridge while you walk out of the shower in just a towel. He turns around with the bowl in his hand and asks,"Hey, [y/n]? Can you um, toss my salad?" A shocked expression is on your face; the one thing you can't understand is why he would say something dirty―until you look down at the salad bowl in his hand. You giggle loud enough for him to hear you. "Steve, you probably shouldn't say that anymore; not to me, not to anyone," you warn. He gave you a confused look. "Why? I just asked you to toss my salad," He argues. From small giggles to huge laughter you go. "It's a um, a sexual thing; do you want me to go on?" You ask. Steve quickly shakes his head and returns to the kitchen, silently cursing at himself for the stupid remark he made.


Clint sits on the couch surrounded by your kids and Natasha. In his lap is a bowl of ice cream―which you had prohibited before dinner―almost finished. "Hey daddy, what are you going to do if mommy catches you with ice cream in your mouth?" Your daughter asks. The second you hear it, you slowly make your way from the kitchen to the living room just to hear Clint say,"I'll swallow it and hide the bowl." The first to laugh is Natasha, followed by you. Your daughters look at you as if you were crazy. Clint starts speaking to defend himself. "No! No! It was just ice cream, you dirty-minded women!"


Since you had introduced him to charades, that was literally all he wanted to do―especially tonight. "[y/n] let us play a wonderful game of that amusing game you showed me!" You curse at yourself for showing him how to play that game―or even telling him that it exists. Asgardians crowd the room and they get together on teams to play with. You go first, against Thor. You act out a movie scene from Happy Gilmore, doubting that any of them would have even watched it. Loki shouts and waves his hands in the air to try and guess the answer. "Ugh! It's on the tip of my tongue; why won't it come?" Instead of him being embarrassed, it was you whose cheeks turned a light shade of red. The hale and hearty Asgardians laughed as Loki sat there, unable to figure out what he had said which was so funny as to make his subjects laugh in this manner.


Pietro was always making sexual jokes, so it wasn't any surprise when he made a sexual innuendo―but it was a surprise when he hadn't realized it was sexual. "Her pocket is so deep that I can fit my entire forearm inside of it," he said while acting out the scene he described. It took him a couple of seconds to figure out what he said had 2 different meanings. What's worse is that it was said in front of Wanda and Pietro didn't do more than laugh and leave the room.


The cubby hole you two had made for your son's toys was too small for the monster truck Natasha had spoiled him with. You walk into the room while Natasha says,"Oh no! The hole is too small, we need a bigger one. Try pushing harder!" Your laughter lets loose as you enter the room and Natasha catches on with you and joins in. "Well, that sounds like your mother and I in the bedroom," she jokes. You look stunned and jokingly slap her arm. "Don't talk like that around our son!"


I think we all know Wanda isn't the type to make a sexual innuendo―whether it be on accident or purposely.

[Author's Note: Topic was requested by @creativedepression]

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