[❁ children series ❁] Curse Words

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Tony | Your P.O.V.

Amaryllis chased after her older sister, Peony, whilst Tony and I sat with a picnic basket and a blanket spread over the grass.

"See, this is nice; to come out and enjoy fresh air once in a while," I tease Tony,"Being in the office―all cooped up―isn't always the best choice."

The father of my two children smiles to himself and watches our daughters dash around. It's a sunny day today; and also full of scorching heat. I wore shorts and a blouse, regretting my decision to come in such heat.

"We should have gone to the beach," I remark. Tony shakes his head,"Women just can't seem to make up their mind, can they?"

I laugh at his stupid yet funny statement. "No, no they can't."

A cry sounded from behind the trees and Tony's head shot straight up as did mine. Peony was crouching down over Amaryllis.

"Son of a bitch!" Amaryllis shouted loud enough for every other person to hear whether it be adult or child.

Seeing how Tony is her father, I wasn't surprised; but I was curious as to why she yelled it out.

Both Tony and I rushed over to check on our girls. Amaryllis looked perfectly fine so why would she shout such an appalling sentence?

"What happened, babe?" I ask, scanning over her body to check for cuts or bruises. "Why are you on the ground; and why was Peony crouching over you?" Knowing fully well that older siblings sometimes do manipulate or 'hurt' their younger ones, since I was one, made it important for me to rule out that option.

"There's nothing. Not even a teeny, weeny scratch," Tony stated.

Amaryllis pouted in anger and frustration. Peony just stood there, bewildered at why she was being held accountable for this.

"I didn't do anything," my oldest child defended herself. "She was just sitting here and screamed, so I came here to see what happened."

"Well, Amaryllis, why did you shout?" I ask. 

She looks up at the squirrel in the tree and crosses her arms across her chest.

"Squirrely ran away! He didn't wanna be my friend," my youngest one spoke. Wow, she used a whole vulgar sentence to express her distraught.

"We don't use that type of language in our family," I reprimand.

"Sowwy, mommy," Ry―short for her name―apologizes.

Steve | His P.O.V.

Sift sits with her older―by like 2 minutes, so it was completely unfair to her that Kahea was referred to as the oldest―sister quietly. Their brothers currently sat in the tub, being washed by [y/n]. The girls already had their baths, so it was perfectly fine to let them have another half hour of TV before bedtime.

"Daddy, what does the world 'asshole' mean?" Sift's mellow, soft voice sounds. My eyes damn near pop out of my sockets and I was sure that my face is red by now.

She fiddles with her fingers, staring at me until I give her an answer. When it came to getting what she wants, this child was comparable to Satan-soo. Her [y/e/c] eyes, similar to [y/n]'s were shooting daggers into me at the moment.

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