➸ Author's Note:

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I'm a bad person, I know, I know.  Here I am, writing Author's Notes rather than  imagines―sue me.  What the topic for this one is: Favorites + Comments!

Now, I don't want to be one of those non-thankful writers who take advantage of their readers; but my book is [increasingly]  getting less favorites/comments. I sound like a brat, omg.  This is even scaring me.

From now on, to update, it would be  necessary to have 15+ favorites and at least 5 comments.

P.S. - Everyone's ones shots will be out today! After this, I'll go back to making preferences for a little while and then open requests back up.

Love you all! 😘

♡ The Avengers Preferences ♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora