✧ promise [personal imagine]

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| Your P.O.V. |

"Clint, call me as soon as you're free," I say into the phone. Each and every single call goes to voicemail; he must be on a mission but he hadn't told me about it. In the middle of the night, I felt him get up from the bed and leave, it's been 2 days. Usually I wouldn't worry since he always texts or calls before leaving, but this time he up and left without a warning. Instead of hounding Clint and leaving 1,000 messages, I decide to take a moment to breathe and just relax.


My phone's ringtone blasts at full volume whilst I sit in the bathtub―still worrying about Clint, just a little less―and read a book. After being startled, my book drops into the bath water. I silently curse myself for being so stupid as to even bring a book in here. The screen of my phone reads: Hawkeye . Comfort instantly releases throughout my mind and body. He's okay, he's alive. Without another doubt, I pick up. "Chloe, I―I love you," he says in a broken voice. What was once comfort changes into apprehension and woe. "Clint, what's happening? Why are you telling me that? It's like saying goodbye; stop it!" I yell into the speaker but―as expected―there's no response. In anger, I throw my phone against the wall and watch as it falls onto the ground hastily. The racking sound of my sobs soon becomes louder and louder by each passing second. I can't take this anymore; I need to know what happened to Clint.

A warm towel wrapped around my body falls to the floor as I dress as quickly as possible. Not caring about wet hair or sticky and dirty clothing, I get in the car, ready to interrogate Fury for this mishap.


"Ma'am, please wait here. I understand your concern and do sympathize but we have certain security measures to conclude," the clerk at the office says. My husband might be dead and all they care about is whether or not I have a weapon on me?! Just before security drags away a woman who's wet, devastated, and sobbing, Fury comes out of his office. "Let her in," he says. "I needed to talk to her anyways." Once my arm is released, I dash into his office; a neat yet overly neat place all in all. I sniffle as I dare myself to face him. "H―he called me," I explain. "Clint told me he loves me, and then wouldn't answer me." Even thought it's recent, it brings back a lot of pain. When I married Clint Barton, I knew this might happen one day―just didn't expect it to be so soon. Fury looks at me without sympathy―which for once, I appreciate. "What do you want me to tell you? He warned you that shit like this might happen when you two got involved," he taunts. I feel like a little kid who did something wrong.

"So, is... Is he..." I couldn't bring myself to say that word. Fury―not giving away anything with his facial expressions―shakes his head. Relief shoots throughout me as I fall to the floor, exhausted. "Oh, thank you so much. Thank you." He then has his secretary escort me to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s infirmary.

The walls are stainless white; beds as if we were back into the Civil War Era; blue sheets; and a Clint laying on the furthest bed from me. I slowly walk closer and closer to him, afraid of even catching a glimpse of the damage that would have been done. Tears fall out from my eyes onto my cheeks even though they're closed. I'm right next to him, but he's so far away. Unexpectedly, a hand grabs mine. I gasp out of surprise. "Chloe," a raspy voice says. It's Clint's. I flutter my eyes open and attack him with a long overdue hug. "For f*ucks sake, Clint!" I exclaim. Instead of the sad tears, I'm now crying tears of joy. "I thought you'd leave me," I say. He gives a weak laugh while clutching his side. "Never, babe. No one could even kill me to keep me away from you," Clint jokes. I hit him on the side of his arm. "Ow," he winces. "Sorry. But you deserved it for not telling me about this super secret mission," I taunt. "Tell you all about it when I'm back home?" He asks. I nod and kiss his lips. Though he can't hold me at the moment, I'd never want to leave his embrace.

"Promise me you'll never leave me?" I ask, feeling clingy. "No, never. I love you too much."

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