fourty six- pure bliss

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Two days later:

Isadora Rose:

I have my family back. The kids are somewhat home and I couldn't be happier. We've had family dinners with just the four of us and it has been wonderful.

Mia stays quiet most of the time, but she's doing so good. I'm very proud of my girl. Santiago clearly has a lot of thoughts going on in that big ass head and Rico is- well, Rico.

I now sit in the garden watching the flowers I had planted with Andrea grow. They're azaleas, aka my favourite flower. Andrea and I have made our bets on what colour they will turn out being. I said white but she insists it'll be pink. Something in the back of my mind says she'll just plant new pink azaleas to piss me off.

Caressing Alessandro's ring on my finger, the reminders of him giving it to me consume my thoughts. The way that someone so hardheaded and volatile yet so beautiful is incredible to me.

"It's really cool out here." My brother's interrupts my thoughts.

"Yeah, it's my favourite part about this place." It truly is and even Rico agrees, but he's not particularly fond of the bees nor are they of him.

Older sisters have this thing in our heads where we can always tell when something is out of the ordinary. We spend every day, back to back, living in the same system so one singular flaw can be spotted from a mile away. That flaw being my brother's newly discovered nerves.

"Can we talk for a bit?" There it is. The flaw.

"Of course." I nod towards a spot next to me on my favourite blue bench, Amaya got bored and decided the garden needed more colour so.

"What's going on?"

"I did something and it's not bad ,but it's also not great either." Oh, here we go. That old speech again.

"Is someone dead?" I question him blankly.

"No, of course not."

"Are you currently wanted for anything? It can happen very quickly so I won't be mad." 

"I'm not in trouble with the cops." He reassures, seeming almost offended.

"Is someone pregnant?" That's a standard question, you've got to ask.


"Oh, Santiago." I groan as my head leans back in frustration.

"I know, I know. This is a shitty timed thing, but it happened and we're going though with it."

I have nothing against teen mothers, my mother was one. I think they're absolute badasses, but they also have bad reputations, shit baby daddies and ,most of the time, end up on Jerry Springer.

"Is she a good kid?"

"She's got grade A's and goes to church every other Sunday." She's better than me already.

"Are you guys together?"

"We are."

"Does she have a place to stay?"

"That's what I really wanted to talk to you," shit, "I called her last night and she said her parents kicked her out." What assholes. Who would kick out a pregnant, grade A student ,who goes to church every other Sunday?

"She's been staying with a friend, but that friend has been getting too much for her."

"So, now you're going to ask me if she can stay here?" I push since it's best not to beat around the bush.

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