Chapter Forty-Four: Project Success, A Monstrous Member and Camping Checklists

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"Does anyone know who this is?".

"Holy shit, I'm hard as fuck right now. Who is this guy?".

"Just placed a huge pre-order, can't wait to get them!".

"I've always loved this brand and that designer, but this might be my favourite collab yet! All the models look so beautiful!".

"Never been so excited for new clothes! Bring on the summer season!".

"Did Kleinman Kouture sign him as a new model? This guy looks like the same one from the winter collection".

"They're so sexy! Who else here is ordering just because of the models?".

Briar leaned away from his laptop, face burning hotter than the depths of hell and his body vibrating.

They love it. All of them- every website- they're going crazy over the collab.

Reading through more comments that served to boost his trembling ego, the beautiful man couldn't help but start laughing joyfully.

The shoot had been one of the best experiences of his life. Surrounded by professionals, warming sun beating down on his skin and standing with other models, he truly felt as though he belonged. They travelled every day for a week, posing in shopping malls, on beaches and many more places with bodies rubbed with oil for that 'summer glow'. His favourite locations might have been the water shoots at pools and in the ocean, having a genuinely great time splashing and swimming with his co-workers as they were photographed.

I'm actually a model. Like, a legit model- I'm even getting offers from other brands trying to win me over. Me, they actually want ME! I can't believe this is happening.

Stephen and the partnering brand's representative were thrilled, having received more pre-orders than had been estimated and the feedback from customers was overwhelmingly positive. But the success didn't take away from how large a project it had been, everyone now needing a break from the grind. Briar had spoken with the other models, some of them on a similar diet/exercise scheme as him sharing in his desire for real food, and they exchanged contact information with the plan to meet up one day for a barbeque full of meats, carbs and greasy goodness. 

His stomach grumbled its excitement. Ribs, steaks, bowls full of ice cream and pancakes topped with copious amounts of syrup... oh he wanted it. Bad. But it did not excite him as much as he and his lovers' very imminent camping trip. 

"Bubs, you've got a parcel!" Quinn yelled from downstairs, making Briar shut down the laptop and unfold his legs before standing.


Jumping down the steps two at a time, he went to the open doorway and smiled at the delivery man who looked exhausted, signing the clipboard and accepted the large package into his arms.

"Damn baby, you got a new boyfriend in there? That's a 'big package'" The golden-eyed man teased, very pleased at the very father-like joke.

"Pfft, shut up. You lot are annoying enough. Seriously though, I actually don't remember ordering anything...".

He accepted the offer of help opening the package, Quinn disappearing into the kitchen for a knife. Thank heavens he did, because not a moment later, while reading the label, Briar gasped.


Looking around wildly to make sure Jesse was still watching tv in the living room (as evidenced from their cursing from down the hall) and Devon was cutting the grass outside (his head passing a window every time he mowed a strip), the submissive hauled the package into his arms and darted for the stairs as sneakily as possible- which wasn't much, considering he sounded like a rhino bounding across a wooden floor.

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