chapter 1

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*tik* *tik* *tik* the sound of the clock. *tap* *tap* the sound of the pen hitting the paper. *rustle* The sound of the paper being moved. *tik* *tik* When was the last time he slept? *tap* *tap* Who cared anyways. *rustle* Hours of this paper work. *tik* *tik* in his office. *tap* *tap* his hand hurt *bang* his head hit the table with a loud groan.

He looked up 'That's going to leave a mark,' he thought. Slowly he got up out of the gray chair. Looking around; everything in the room was bland, dark, gloomy, dead. 'This office is not it.' he thought. Plain white walls, dark wood bookshelves and tables, gray office chair. The light was flickering, hell having no windows made it look eerie.

He looked down at the pile of papers. 'I should take a break.' Turning around, his eagle wings made some of the papers fly. 'I'll pick it up later.' walking out of the room, every step making the wood floor creak. Up the stairs, opening the door that led to the outside. The fresh smell of grass and plants hit him.

Where he lived was weird. How his house looked was... different to say the least. There were tree houses, connected with bridges or ladders everywhere on the outskirts of the cleared area in the woods. Each one having a different amount of states who slept in them. One being bigger than the others, which was were Confederate and America slept. In the middle of the grass there were 2 large picnic tables that could fit all 52 people living there, with some little ones on the side for games or guests. Below the treehouses were guest houses, not that anyone would stay there. Some bathrooms, and 1 door that led to America's office, that was underground.

After looking at where he lived, he turned around and headed into the forest surrounding where he had lived. Walking with no shoes on, though he didn't mind, it reminded him of his childhood. He walked on the path of dirt and rocks, all shapes and sizes. It had led him to the farms that he owned. He used them to save money and hide his states. It would be weird for him to buy a car load of food when he "lived by himself."

We grabbed one of the baskets on the side of the fence, and entered the cornfield. The crunching of the leaves, the sound of the dirt, the feeling of it. It reminded him of when he was a kid, with his biological mother and brother. Those were happy times in his life, Before his "dad" came. Who UK claims to have "saved him" only made his life worse. He shook the thoughts away and went back to picking the corn. After he had filled the basket with corn he headed to the tool shed to put it away.

Walking out of the shed, he looked up. It was near sunrise. He grabbed his phone out of his shorts pocket, and looked at the time '6:26' it read. He put it away and smiled to himself. He spread his wings, and flew up into the sky. Doing flips, twists and turns. He felt free, and happy. After flying around for a few minutes, He flew back down to the ground and sat on the cliff side that looked over his entire home. All of the fields, full of flowers and food, all of the houses, the entire forest. Then he looked straight ahead.

He watched the sunrise. It was beautiful. He sat there, and took a deep breath, everything had been stressing him out lately. So he sat there, listened to the birds start chipping, and the plants russell. The birds started to fly and he closed his eyes. He sat there until the sunrise was over. He looked at the clock '6:37'. He sighed, he had to go back and take care of his kids.

He flew back to his home, and went into his room. You could only get up there by flying so none of the kids could get up there. He opened the door to see Dixie looking out the window drinking some coffee.

"Why are you up?" he asked "I don't know, I just got up at this time and couldn't go back to sleep..." he sighed "now, why are you up?" he replied, turning around to look at him worryingly. "Same shit, useless paperwork." "You need to stop overworking yourself, it ain't helping your health." he placed the drink down on the window sill. "I haven't seen you sleep in the past 3 days, it's a blessing you haven't died!" Dixie explained. America just looked down.

"The kids will be waking up soon." America said "Oh North, don't ignore what I just said. You need to sleep, I'll take care of them with the older ones." Confederate said. "You have the meeting tomorrow that UN set up." America sighed, "I'll be okay for today, i'll sleep later plus Hawaii will prolly wanna see me." Dixie glared at him and, "if you say so, if you say so," and with that he walked out and glided down with his wings. Confederate didn't have big wings but he didn't have small ones, they were big enough to get up to 20 ft into the air to reach up to the entrance of their shared room, but not to fly around with.

America walked over to the full body mirror in the room and looked at himself. 'Ew..' he thought, he was a mess. His white tank top was dirty and so were his black shorts. His wings didn't look taken care of. His robotic arm was... cool I guess. His eyes, oh his eyes, one blinded from a knife to it from his so called "father" and the other black from the corruption of his government. The robotic arm from Confederate when he was corrupted. He was pale and had scars everywhere, self harm and battle ones.

He sighed and hid his wings into his back, when doing so it turned into a tattoo on his back. He walked over to the dresser and opened it and grabbed a random shirt that said "I <3 new york" on it. New York had probably given it to him as a gift at some point. America slid it on him and grabbed some dark blue jeans. Then let his wings back out, all of the shirts he owns except for his work ones and 2 that he would wear outside of the forest, had a hole in the back for his wings. Then he grabbed his sunglasses and put them on.

He walked back over to the mirror and looked at himself again. After about 1 minute of making fun of himself in his mind we walked over to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and did his hair and walked back out. He put on socks and shoes and grabbed Confederate's unfinished coffee. He then walked outside to look over the balcony.

Looking down he saw North Dakota and South Dakota running on the table as Delaware yelled at them, sounding extremely mad, and Confederate just watched them do it. America sighed again, and flew down next to Confederate. "I thought you said you would take care of them?" Dixie looked up and furrowed his eyebrows "And I thought I told you to sleep." "Well I told you that I would sleep later today." Confederate sighed and said "You better. If I wake up and you don't have your ass in that bed, I will restrain you to the bed." witch made America laugh, "I will, don't worry, I just can't leave the states on their own for a day."

America glanced back at his 3 states that were up, South Dakota was sticking his tongue out and spitting on Delaware as North Dakota was standing behind him giggling. America looked around and saw New York sitting on the ladder that led up to his shared room, recording what was happening. "South stop annoying you brother, and he is right please get off the table. I don't want it dirty, we still have breakfast to eat once all the other states get up."

North and South Dakota frowned, both jumped off and South Dakota spoke up and said "You're no fuuuuun~!" she exclaimed, fixing her gray sweater . "You guys can go run around in the forest? Just don't get lost," America replied. "Also if you do so come back before we have breakfast at 7:30," Dixie said. "But the forest is boringgggg~! every state knows the place like the back of their hand! Why are we never allowed outside of the forest mom?" North Dakota questioned.

"It's for your safety, I don't want any of the other countries hurting you or any of your siblings getting hurt,'' America replied with a tone explaining it wasn't something he wanted to talk about. "But why would anyone want to hurt us? It would hurt you..." it fell silent. That's when New york and California had come down, both not knowing what was going on, helped America unknowingly.

"Mom California is on fire again, what do we do?" California just stood there half on fire unphased, almost like they didn't even notice. "Oh I don't know...put the fire out?!" America said worryingly but also kind of mad. "Oh," New York replied. "When was the last time you two slept?" New Hampshire who had appeared out of nowhere asked. "Uhhhh... lost count?" California replied, fixing their bear hat. "2 days." New York said.

"You guys should sleep after we eat breakfast," Delaware said. "You guys WILL sleep after breakfast," Confederate said, fixing his brown vest. "Okay, now can you guys put out California's fire? They are still on fire, and Nevada and Oregon might start getting affected by it," America said. "Yea we will come on California." New York said as he and California walked over to the river to set out the fire. "Those two need to sleep, it's very unhealthy..." "oh shut it America, you haven't slept in 3! Don't be commenting about theirs when you have it worse." Confederate whisper yelled to America. "Okay! Okay, geez." America replied too tired to fight.

"Hey New Hampshire, North and South Dakota, and Delaware can you 4 go wake up all of your other siblings?" America asked. "Okay~!" The Delaware twins replied at the same time while the other two just sighed and did as was told. America smiled to himself 'God I love my children.... And I hope they love me too'

2 IN A DAY?!?!? Jk I did this before I started the book

anyways hope you guys like it if you have anything that I should know to improve my righting ill gladly take it!

have a good/night/evening!!


(1791 words)

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