chapter 24

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Dixie was still pissed. He had woken up and still, neither America nor Russia were there. He now had his arms crossed rambling about something to Mississippi. Meanwhile Mississippi was just trying to cook breakfast with Indiana.

"Where in the world is that guy! Goodness they ran away like teenagers, some shitty love story running away from their problems. 'Come on Jayson lets-" Dixie ranted. Indiana Giggled at the joke but focused on cooking the fried cornmeal mush, it was her favorite.

"I think they are fine, the animals won't hurt mom, and once they see Russia with America they might think he's good...?" Mississippi replied as they fried some catfish.

"You're meant to be on my side!" Dixie claimed. Mississippi just rolled their eyes in response.

"I'll flip this oil into you face if you don't shut the fuck up," Mississippi threatened. Dixie then kept quiet earning a giggle from CSA.

"Are you guys sure America is gonna be okay though? I don't wanna listen to him rant for hours, like he did last night..." CSA said. Indiana once again giggled.

"YES. he will be fine, you all need to calm down, not like dad died," Mississippi said.

"Don't jinx it god," CSA said.

"Oh shut it will you?" Mississippi spat back. Now they sat in silence, no one talked. The only sound was cooking or their siblings doing the weirdest things.

"Imma go deal with those countries, because America ain't here. I have no idea where he ran off to," Dixie said. He walked over to the table of countries, who were all up, not by choice. You see every morning if people don't wake up in time not only will Connecticut wake them up, but she will wake up the whole forest all at once.

"Where is America and Russia?!" Canada asked, he seemed panicked.

"They ran off to be forest fairies I don't know. Don't worry they will be fine," Dixie explained.

"How are you so calm?! That's your brother?!" Canada asked.

"America does that a lot, Russia prolly went out lookin' for him. If Russia got hurt the animals would lead America to him because they would see him as an intruder. So either way they both haven't died," CSA explained.

"How in the hell did ya fuckin' know that," Dixie whispered to CSA. CSA just shrugged.

"Okay..." Canada said a bit calmer. Dixie walked away from them talking with CSA. Though some countries were still worried.

"I need tea," Britain said. France slapped him in the shoulder, which made him yelp.

"L'Amérique est MANQUANTE, chérie, personne ne se soucie de ton thé en ce moment, (America is MISSING, darling, no one cares about your tea right now)," France explained to Britain. He just rolled his eyes in response.

"Wonder what happened that made him run away," Japan said.

"True, maybe he got lost? Ugh but he has wings..." Canada guessed. Right after he had said that a yell came through the air.

"EVERYONE SHUT THE ACTUAL FUCK UP. BREAKFAST IS READY," a state yelled. Chatter went through the air after a couple seconds, though some states got up to help set up the table while others sat down.

Soon all the tables were set with food the two states, Mississippi and Indiana, had made. As well as left overs from the breakfast before. Lastly, some different fruits and veggies, like a lot.

"Wow they actually eat healthy?" Britain joked, however no one laughed.

"Have you seen that America isn't even in the top 10 for over weightiness, soooo," Japan said matter-of-factly before taking a mouthful of blueberries. Canada giggled. "Also you could have made that joke yesterday, it would have fit more," Japan then explained. Canada was trying not to burst into laughter.

But then a loud bang came from somewhere. Everyone looked over to where it was and Russia and America were on top of the roof of America's and Dixie's bedroom, also CSA's I guess.

America looked to be laughing his ass off, while Russia was struggling to get his leg out of the hole in the roof. Dixie then flew up to the balcony, then on the roof, and started hugging America and ranting to him. He was acting like a mother had just lost her child in a theme park.

"OKAY OKAY, geez I'm fine mom," America said, whacking Dixie's hand away from his face.



After America was done, they helped Russia out. America had calmed Russia down and then flew him down to eat breakfast. Once they were done getting breakfast they sat down with the other countries. Canada started asking America hundreds upon hundreds of questions.

"Are you sure you're okay?! Oh, sorry, are you sure you're both okay?!" Canada asked. America just nodded while trying to eat one of the catfish made by Mississippi.

"Uhm, so what happened anyways?" France asked, "why were you on top of the roof?"

"I flew up there with Russia in my arms, I wanted to see if it would work," America explained.

"И это, черт возьми, не сработало (And it didn't fucking work)," Russia grumbled.

"Huh what was that?" America asked, even though he heard it clearly. Russia just huffed in response and ate some cranberries.

They all talked about random stuff that was going on, and or just some crazy stuff the personified did. Somehow it was peaceful ,some sly insults here and there, but peaceful.


 hey guys, I'm back with another short ass chapter. hahahaHAHAHA, I'm so mad at myself. I'm in a writers block so idk what to do other than post chapters till I can finally get tou fucking important stuff. Sure RusAme and countries getting along is important but Ive done like 3 main events and there is like 10 wrote down and guess what THATS NOT FUCKING IT. I DON'T WANT THIS BOOK TO BE 200 CHAPTERS.

Anyways I'm no longer sick, idk if I told y'all I was sick but I'm over it now so eh. I also finished this yesterday and kinda forgot what I wrote but oh well.

now, tell me how you day was


anyways have a good day/night/evening my lil' stars!!!

(908 Words)

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