chapter 31

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messing around, throwing sand at each other. Everything was fine and it was just playing around, but then this led into California throwing Florida into the deep ocean.

"Throw him!!" Washington yelled.

"No! He will get eaten by a shark!!" Maryland yelled after.

"Are you stupid or are you an idiot, because sharks rarely attack people," Massachusetts said.

"Yes but they still attack people..." Maryland mumbled.

"Why would they attack Florida? I bet he tastes like shi- he tastes nasty," Massachusetts jokes.

"What if he drowns?" Maryland shuttered.

"I bet he can swim, he is literally surrounded by water," Massachusetts scoffed. "Anyways, Cali throw him! Throw him!" Massachusetts chanted.

All the surrounding states started to chant while Florida tried to squirm out of Califorinas grasp, but failed because California has a lot of strength on them. So, California threw him in the ocean. Lots of the states bursted out into laughter while Florida struggled to get himself back to land. Once he did he flipped California off, followed shortly by him running back up the cliff planning on attacking California.

California jumped into the ocean before Florida could get them and states started going back to messing around. Somehow, North Carolina broke his arm. Seeing as America was sleeping and Russia was sleeping, they didn't want to ask the other countries.

"Just ask Japan! She prolly won't yell at us for it, right?" Rhode Island said.

"Yea but she's near France! France is scary," Louisiana explained.

"She's not that bad... y'know she might even be nicer," Rhode Island suggested.

"Nicer my a-"

"Shut up my fucking arm is broken! Just get a damn adult," North Carolina yelled.

"I'm sorry that mom is sleeping and you thought it would be a wonderful idea to jump off that cliff into shallower water," Rhode Island mumbled.

"If you jumped in, how come your arm is broken and not your leg?" Oregon asked.

"I don't know, magic?" North Carolina said sarcastically.

"Can we just ask Japan before mom wakes up and has a panic attack or something," Rhode Island said.

"I'm not going to walk over there," Louisiana mumbled.

"No one cares about how you feel right now, someone has a broken arm and your trauma isn't helping," Rhode Island rolled their eyes.

Oregon and North Carolina snickered at what they said. Rhode Island dragged North Carolina over to Japan and France to see if they knew anything about dealing with the injury. Surprisingly even though they lived in a forest and a very dangerous area, they didn't know how to fix any broken bones.

Meanwhile with America and Russia. The two were both on separate towels at the start, but were now closer together. Everything was peaceful and they were sleeping soundly until someone got a prank idea. That someone was named Canada.

He had stolen a water gun from one of the states and was now planning on attacking the two. Great plan? No, not a great plan.

Canada approached the two countries lying on the ground and aimed the water gun right at America's face. However, America wasn't sleeping. He was wide awake, though his sunglasses disguised him. Canada shot the water straight into America's face.

"What the fuck Canada?!" America whisper-shouted trying not to awaken Russia.

He got up and walked up to Canada ready to punch him. So, logically for the situation, Canada screamed at the top of his lungs. (#whistle note) Russia awoke to an ear-bleeding screech. He slowly got up processing what was going on. Russia noticed how close together they were while asleep. He quickly considered the possibility that he may be in love. No, no that couldn't be. They barely talked anymore, he couldn't like someone he barely knew. It just wasn't right, but something about America. Something about him drew Russia in. He wanted to reconnect, maybe even a stronger connection. Where Russia could tell America how much he cared for him. Where they could be together.

America and Canada's arguing interrupted his train of thought, seeing as he now just got kicked in the shin. Russia glanced over to where he got hit to see the glory of America getting held back by Japan and Canada having a panic-stricken look on his face.

"What are you two even fighting about?!" Japan asked.

"I had a water gun, and I wanted to prank America while he was sleeping. He was not sleeping," Canada stammered.

"Nice to know my sunglasses work, ain't it!" America yelled.

"Calm down, I was actually sleeping," Russia mumbled.

"Oh, well you would have been still sleeping if Mr. Maple leaf wasn't an idiot!" America shouted.

"I'm sorry!" Canada cried.

"Sorry my a-"

"How about both of you shut up, I'm going back to sleep," Russia grumbled.

"No, you will not be. We are at the beach, not in your room," America said.

"I'm not going to go anywhere near the water," Russia claimed.

"Ha! Now that you said that, I'm forcing you in there," America giggled.

"I hate you," Russia mumbled.

"I love you too," America giggled.


Hi... stars... I'm back!! School work is shit #IHateCalifornia. Lots of schools are ding actual state testing rn but I'm doing practice state testing. Lovely ain't it! Also that's the only reason why I've been gone, school.

Creds to Salem bc they helped me a LOT! I can't write romance for shit so the paragraph where Russia gets flustered n' shit is all them lol.

I will actually fix my schedule now ha. I'm also still in burn out but I have less of a rock on my back with it, so I might have longer chapters? No idea if I will, so no promises.

I'm going to do a lil' Q&A thing I guess! you can ask questions, I will comment of them but they will also be answered in my next information chapter, which is after chapter 45

anyways bye stars, I love you all <3


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