chapter 33

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Everyone was gathered around the tables happily shoving food down their throats having a good time. Texas and California were on the other sides of the tables, still managing to glare at each other. Meanwhile over at the county table, they decided now was the time to go rogue.

France was currently downing wine faster than she ever has before. She has somehow done through three and a half bottles and doesn't plan on stopping. Russia looks like he's about to pass out for god knows what reason. Canada was somewhere in the forest with Montana. And America was somewhere, no one knew.

"Does anyone know where America is?" Japan asked.

"No, and I couldn't give less of a fuck," Russia mumbled.

"Shut your gay ass up," Japan retorted.

"No," Russia said simply, rolling his eyes.

"He's probably fine if his family isn't affected by this," an inebriated France laughed.

"Shut up you drunk bi-"

America was currently having a wonderful time! So wonderful he was about to have a mental breakdown. Because of course his body decided to not be normal again. That silver symbol he had got was now glowing. And he didn't know how to make it stop. It was an arrow and was meant to protect you, and now its fucking glowing. Is he going to die?

Maybe sleeping it off would work? Or doing paperwork until it went away? Maybe he'd get all his work done. But everyone is out eating, he'd have to wait till everyone was done eating before he could do paperwork. Dammit.

Contemplating what he should do, all the sudden he heard something. Something horrid. He knew this sound. It was the sound of a crack. Not just any crack. He was cracking. He felt sharp pain on the side of his stomach. He cringed before lifting his shirt a bit to see how large it was.

Now he was really confused. Usually when a country starts to crack, they start to bleed a bit and it's black. His body was having none of that apparently. He wasn't bleeding, he was leaking some sort of black liquid, and he was glowing. Is he transforming? What the hell.

He just stood there, blacking out with no thought. Apparently he did that for a long time because CSA and Dixie had entered the room. He didn't have the bathroom door closed because he had no need to. So when the two came in...

"Hey America- oh my fucking god Union!" Dixie screeched.

"Hey! shut the fuck up, I ain't got a clue either!?" America yelled back.

Dixie placed his hands together and breathed heavily. "Why are you racking, why are you glowing, and what the actual fuck is that black stuff?"

"I just told you; I have no fucking clue," America sighed, "Imma just sleep this dumb shit off."

"Does it hurt? Like as much as cracks usually do?" Dixie asked.

"Yes, actually it hurts more. And now I look even more stupid!" America complained.

"I think it makes you look like one of those villains with a really fucked up back story that everyone finds attractive even though he committed multiple war crimes," CSA said.

"What's that meant to mean?" Dixie asked.

"That doesn't help me CSA," America rolled his eyes at him.

"I was tryna be positive! No "thank you CSA" or somethin'?! I'm greatly offended!" CSA boasted dramatically putting his hand on his chest. Looking greatly offended.

"Whatever, I can with this shit. I'm gonna down like 6 melatonin and sleep," America grunted, walking over to the dresser to change into more comfortable clothing.

"That's unhealthy," Dixie said.

"You only have one life!" America said back, closing the door behind him.

"And ya shouldn' waste it sleepin' and doin' paperwork, might as well go out with a bang instead of overdosing on melatonin!" CSA yelled at the shut door. Then floated over to the makeshift bed on the floor. "He should try to be more active!"

"He's very old, I think he's already lived his life to its fullest," Dixie said.

"You're barely younger than him, y'all are twins. And no he hasn't?! Has he ever dated someone?" CSA said.

"Have you ever dated someone?" Dixie asked.

CSA didn't respond to that. America walked out of the bathroom in some basic sleeping clothes and ran over, jumped in his bed. And tried falling asleep. After trying to fall asleep over CSA babbling, he had finally fallen asleep.


Well. I'm back. this is hella short. but I'm actually exited for the next one so it might actually be longer. I hope you guys aren't mad. (edit: I forgot the chapter name haha)

anyways bye starts, love you guys.


(718 Words) 

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