chapter 27

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America opened his eyes to be back in his room. The only light was the moon seeping into the room. He turned around to see his brother sleeping soundly on his bed and CSA sprawled out along the floor.

America sighed and picked up his phone to look at the time, it was 2:48am. America unlocked it and opened up different social media apps to see what people were up too. America saw a post from South Korea in the outfit he had worn a couple days ago. America smiled, he was very happy that everyone had enjoyed the outfits.

He then heard some crying from next to him. He placed his phone down and sat up to see his brother, Dixie, crying while clutching onto the blanket more. America slowly stood up and walked over to his brother's bed and attempted to wake him up.

"Dixie?" America whispered, "You good? Sounds like you're having a nightmare."

Dixie just cried harder than before. America sighed and started to shake his brother.

"Time to wake up. Wakey wakey, whatever you're dreaming of ain't real," America said.

Dixie shot up from his sleeping. Frantically looking around to make sure it was a dream.

"You good man?' America asked.

"I-..." Dixie paused, "I had another dream about the c-civil war and- I- I just"

"It's okay, calm down, it's all over," America said, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I have forgiven you from the war, You should stop panicking about it."

"Yes, I know... It's just, I was so... horrible back then. I'm sorry," Dixie said.

"Like I said, I have already forgiven you for what you did. You were being controlled by something, now that I think about it, might have been CSA," America guessed.

"CSA is a battle flag, battle flags are created to cause chaos, I think. I don't remember where I learned that from..." Dixie explained.

"Prolly mom," America said simply. "Now go back to sleep, you look extremely tired," America told Dixie.

"Well, what time is it?" Dixie asked.

America sighed and turned around. He grabbed his phone and turned it on.

"It's around 3:40," America explained, "So you should sleep." America said as he pushed his brother down into the bed.

"Aren't you sleeping?" Dixie asked.

"No, I'm going to go do paperwork so I can watch my children later today. I want to do something fun, we are still housing some countries," America explained.

"Okay, you better sleep more tomorrow, we fixed your schedule from not sleeping. I'd like to keep it that way," Dixie said.

America laughed, "Yes, I know Dixie. Now go back to sleep idiot."

"Okay, okay," Dixie laughed.

America smiled and walked away from his brother's bed. He quietly left the room so he wouldn't wake CSA, that would be a nightmare itself. America flew down from the treehouse and looked around to make sure no one was up. He walked over to his office door setting a timer for 7 o'clock so he could be out there when some kids got up.

He sighed and slouched down in his chair grabbing some paperwork he needed to do and opening his computer. He looked at what he was emailed and needed to do. There were many emails just asking him how their family was going. Why didn't they just text him on his phone, personal or work? Well whatever, people. Well countries more so, can be stupid as hell.

Scrolling through emails and replying to most went on for about 20 minutes before he was done with that. He soon moved onto doing his paperwork and some paperwork for the states. There was some shit going on in some states, so there was a lot more for the states than usual.

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