chapter 23

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The wind whistled through the trees while trees and plants of all sorts waved in the wind. You could hear a faint buzz from a beehive that was near. The sound of water hitting the ground from a small stream that followed down the cliff hitting different rocks as it moved.

America sat on the cliff side he had a couple days ago. He loved this place and it had always brang back memories. America glanced over the side and smiled. You could see his house from here and the rest of the forest from up here. You could even see the end to the left of him.

He took a deep breath of the clear air. He hadn't come up here to watch the sunset like he usually does, but had come to get away from the chaos that was his home. He sighed looking down at his states, they were either getting along or fighting, though he didn't feel like flying over there to scold them for misbehaving.

America feels free up here, no one knew about where this was, and if they did he hoped they had forgotten. He basically sat shirtless in some jeans. He had taken his tank top, hoodie, sunglasses, socks, and shoes off. He also had unbraided his hair that CSA had put up earlier that day.

He peered over at the landscape again, he loved the view. Though he didn't have many open landscapes in his country anymore. The people who ran the government kept adding houses everywhere or small cities, it's annoying.

"Америка? I knew you would be here," a voice from behind him spoke. America jumped and whipped his head around.

"I thought you forgot this place?" America questioned. Russia shook his head.

"Нет, why would I?" Russia asked. America shrugged in response and went back to observing. "Can I sit next to you?" Russia asked again.

"Sure I guess," America said. After a moment Russia sat next to America, they both faced away from each other. "How'd you even get here?" America asked after a bit of silence.

"That's for me to know," Russia said. America huffed in response but didn't reply. He just laid back a bit, he was now leaning on his arms because his back was getting tired of slouching over.

"It's been a while since I've last been here," Russia said, "It hasn't really changed." He joked. America giggled a bit.

"No it hasn't, plus the last time you were here was before the cold war... we were both teens," America ranted a bit.

"Yea, I thought it would have changed. Did I look surprised enough about everything?" Russia asked.

"Eh? I guess, I don't know though. I'm just glad the states didn't recognize you. The smaller ones were too young and I guess it didn't cross the older one's minds," America said. Russia nodded in response.

America and Russia had been friends for a while, but when the cold war happened they closed off their walls to each other. Before that Russia came over to where America lived. Although he never went into the actual area where all the treehouses were, He saw all the animals, some states, and would always hang out with America in this spot.

They sat in silence for a while just staring at the landscape, before America started giggling to himself. Russia almost looked over at him before stopping.

"What's so funny? Also you should put back on your sunglasses if you don't want me to look," Russia asked. America swiftly grabbed his glasses and put them on his face, then pointed at a cloud.

"That one looks like a dick. Also I have my glasses on," America laughed. Russia turned around and hit him in the head in a playful manner.

"I don't want to hear sexual jokes," Russia said as America was still giggling and was now completely laying on the ground.

Russia took off his hat and coat. He was now in a plain black long sleeve, and some blue jeans. As well as some snow boots. Oddly he was dressed for some sort of cold even though America's place wasn't cold in the daytime.

Russia laid down next to America. For a while they acted like children making fun of clouds and talking about random stuff. America turned over to look at Russia and felt a bit of warmth over his face but didn't focus too much on it.

"Did you make your plug earrings bigger?" America gasped. Russia turned over to face him.

"Yes I did! They are 15mm now," Russia explained while pointing at the hole in his ear with a black ring in it.

"That's so cool! I always wanted one but I'm scared I'll regret it," America explained. Russia laughed.

"I did for a while but I started to like them again," Russia said. America smiled and rolled back on his back. Though Russia stayed looking at America.

They had talked and half way through both had fallen asleep. It was late and they were probably both tired. Though they didn't think about what was happening with everyone else.


THATS RIGHT. I POSTED 2 CHAPTERS WITH WEEK. I just thought I should post more bc its not like I do anything else. Though sadly I am sick right now so uhm. 

but wow homosexuals are actually being homosexual. IT TOOK 23 FUCKING CHAPTERS FOR THEM TO ACT LIKE FREINDS AT LEAST AHA. Though like I said I might change everything bc I was going to make this more based on the states and RusAme but I have an idea of what's going to happen and that's more on the side now soooooo.

ALSO I'm not rlly good at writing lovey dovey things. Or romance for some reason. LASTLY LOOK AT MY ONESHOT BOOK BC IMMA SAY THAT EACH TIME. (sorry for a short chapter again though.

anyways have a good day/night/evening my lil' stars!!!


(858 words)

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