chapter 7

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America was in the middle of driving about half way there when he realized something 'didn't I fly? This shit had no holes in the back what the hell.' He thought and put his hand on his back to cheek if he had ripped a hole. He hadn't, he had just lifted up the shirt and turtleneck. 'Thank god' he thought and pulled it down and went back to focusing on driving.

Once he arrived he got out of the car and speed walked over to the entrance, cheeked, and walked up to the elevator. He looked at his phone '8:01' it read. 'He's gonna yell at me shiiiit,' He thought. *ding* He walked out of the elevator and went to the correct door and opened it.

"Oh look who finally came," UN said while crossing his arms and glaring at him. "What's your excuse now?" He said while some counties snickered. America just stood there not saying anything. "Nothing? YOU ALWAYS COME LATE YOU ARE ONE OF THE BIGGEST COUNTIES AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO COME TO WORK ON TIME."

America just stood there glaring at UN under his sunglasses, 'angels are meant to be nice not a bitch damn.' "If you dare start a fight or get into one I will punish you this time, you need to get your life together," UN said. "ARE YOU GOING TO SIT DOWN?!" UN said extremely pissed, America just walked over to his seat looking unphased and sat down. "Back to what I was saying..." Un said before going on a rant about the things that needed to be fixed in the world.

America was half listening half not until his feathers on his neck became itchy. He started to scratch them, for a while when someone caught on. "America, why are you scratching your neck? You have been doing this for a while," Germany asked. Which causes everyone to look over at America, "It's just itchy." He replied.

America just pulled up the turtleneck more than stopped, "are you all done?" UN asked, everyone turned their heads back to him and went back to listening to what he was saying.

It was now lunch and America was sitting at the back table where he usually sat waiting for his friends. "Hello America," Japan said before sitting down next to him. "Heyo japan." "omg, its so hard to fucking act all innocent and cute like I could do nothing wrong all the time! I don't understand how you and Canada do it!" Japan complained while smashing her head on the table. "Didn't you say something about half animal countries like growing or some shit?" America asked.

"Yea I woke up and my cat ears and tail are bigger, I have a love hate relationship with these things," she said while fixing her shirt. It was pink with some anime print on it. "Also damn fucking UN was so annoying today 'I will punish you' what are you gonna do give more work?" America laughed. "I might hate work but that's not even that bad, not gonna lie I'm kinda scared of what he will do. I just can't get into any fights today I guess."

Canada came and sat down on the other side, looking extremely pissed while grabbing his lunch out of his bag, "well damn what happened to you?" America asked while looking over at Canada. "I'm going to start WWIII," Canada said while opening his lunch box. "Damn well what happened so you needa start WWIII over it?" Japan asked.

"I hate dad sooooo much," "relatable" America replied to Canada. "Well that sums it up, don't even needa hear the story," Japan said before grabbing her lunch too. "Did you bring food this time?" Canada asked while glaring over at America "no," America said. "You need to eat munch on some of my food," Canada said. "But I'm not hungry?" America replied.

Japan elbowed him in the side, "ow!" America said before looking over at Japan, where she shoved some of her food in his mouth. America eats it while pouting, "haha! Not hungry my ass." Japan said before going back to eating her food. "Does it taste good?" Canada asked, which America slapped him on the arm.

"HEY! DON'T HIT YOUR BROTHER!" Britain yelled from the next table over. "What the fuuuuck" Canada whispered. "Canada, if he is hurting you, you can come sit with us," Britain said with a smile. Japan was holding back laughter, Canada was confused as hell, And America looked like he was about to blow Britain up.

America was almost done with chewing the food because Japan had shoved so much in his mouth, "so hungry that you had to get someone else's food? You have probably eaten like 5 burgers already today!" Russia said from a table next to them, making some other counties snicker. Which caused all 3 countries to look over a glare at Russia.

Everyone fell silent seeing the countries that "never get mad" all extremely pissed. Canada just looked over at America and whispered something in his ear loud enough for Japan to hear, which caused the two to start laughing. Everyone else just went back to eating.

Then UN busted into the room, making all the conversations that were starting to end in a snap. "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!" UN yelled, while America just looked up. "I have a punishment for you, Ive decided I'm going to do it even though you have had no fights." Un said while walking over to their table, "you three and some other countries are going to be staying at America's house, so america you will have to house other countries. Yes I have decided who." He said while smiling.

"WHAT!?" America yelled to everyone's dismay. "YOU CAN'T JUST MAKE ME HOUSE PEOPLE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION?!?" "Calm down, you have Canada and Japan! they have been to your house right?" UN said while the two shook their heads. "America keeps his personal life to himself, we know more than most people but we have never been allowed to his house because it crosses his boundaries." Japan said.

UN was a bit surprised but said, "well weather you like it, America you will still house the five people I have chosen," "FIVE FUCKING PEOPLE ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND UNITED NATIONS?!?" America said extremely pissed, carrying a southern accent which he did when he was mad, while standing up getting ready to beat the shit out of UN. Canada stood up extremely fast and held America's arms so he wouldn't launch over the table and start hitting UN.

"America please calm down! The last time you were this mad-" "I KNOW CANADA! I know.." America replied before calming down and sitting back down. Japan just said there and looked at America before saying "geez wonder what's going on at your house, are you okay?" "hell fucking no." America replied, still mad, "WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT!" Japan said before whispering into America's ear "are the states like statehumans?" 


I left you guys off on a cliffhanger because I'm so nice, Your welcome <3. also ik it might be a surprise I made Japan act this way, but I don't really like the stereotype for he so yeaaaa

anyways have a good day/night/evening!!


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