chapter 4

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As they all walked over to the fields they talked about random things but then a question came up, "Hey mom?" "Yes California?" America replied. "Do you have a crush on any of the other countries?" America flushed, "N-no not that I know of, why?" "I was just wondering, plus your face is flushed~." California replied as Iowa giggled. "Well, I used to have a crush on someone when I was younger, like childhood younger." America said, then sighed. "I'm over him, I never even knew I had a crush on him, seeing that U.K never told me about gay people because he was homophobic." "damn it.." California grumbled.

"Mad that you can't make any romance movies about it?" America jokingly asked. "YES! I was hoping you would have some sort of enemies to lovers arc, because all the countries dislike you not so much hate you." "I'd debate on that one California." America replied. It fell silent, this was a touchy subject that could lead to sadness or anger of a state wanting to start a war.

"Well can you tell us who your childhood crush is? because 'you don't have a crush on them anymore" Iowa asked, breaking the silence and changing the subject. "Mmm~" America hummed "naaah, it's useless anyways." "DAMNIT" California yelled. "That was quite the reaction." Iowa said as they giggled.

America sighed, "Anyways we are here!" they all stopped and looked, there were miles and miles of fields filled with different crops, with a big shed and barn in the middle. The shed contained new seeds, gardening stuff, already picked crops, and more. As the barn held different farm animals, mostly cows and chickens, but there were some horses, and Florida's alligator.

"Yay!" Iowa cheered. "So we are having burgers, so go pick like tomatoes, lettuce, stuff like that." "mk mom," California replied. The two states ran in different ways, America watched them run to make sure to pick crops they didn't choose. Then he walked over to the tomatoes and started picking tomatoes.

Once he was done, he had a whole basket full of tomatoes. He walked over to where the shed was to grab the corn he had picked this morning to not put it to waste. As he was walking he saw California standing on top of Iowa trying to grab something off of the roof of the shed.


"WELL?!" America yelled. "Soooo, basically we found this random ball on the ground and we were done so we decided to play with it, and now it's stuck up there." Iowa said. "If you go in the shed there is a ladder inside. Thought you knew that, plus that's way more safer. I don't want you two getting hurt." America said glaring at them a bit. "Oh..." Iowa said, "well I didn't know that..." "You are the two top crop growing states, and you didn't know what's in the damn shed?" "no..." California replied.

"Sorry..." Iowa said. "It's fine, it's fine... just use a ladder next time, please." America replied. "Okay!" Iowa said. "Why are you even over here?" California asked. "I picked some corn this morning and put it in the shed, thought I might just use it now." "Oh okay," California replied.

All three walked into the shed, the shed was kinda empty. All it really had was gardening tools and a bunch of empty baskets. "Huh, I thought this was going to be a MaGiCaL pOrTaL." California said sarcastically. America ignored them and walked over to the corn he had placed down this morning, then grabbed it. He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at the time, "it's 12:08 we should head back, I need to start cooking lunch before someone sets the whole forest on fire..." America said mumbling the last part. "Okay!" Iowa said, as the three started walking back to where all their other family members were.

Once they arrived America looked around and sighed, Missouri was high on something as Tennessee yelled at him over something about it being a sin. "Tennessee no one gives a fuck about siiinssss, half of us are like fucking gaaay..." witch caused Tennessee to just glare at him, "I get your all gay, but STOP DRINKING OR DOING DRUGS!! You guys could die from it." Tennessee said while crossing his arms, "AIN'T NO ONE CARE IF THEY STILL LIVIN IN THIS HOUSE HOLD DUMBASS" one of the states yelled, "WHO EVEN SAID THAT!?" Tennessee screamed back.

America just looked over and sighed, "I'm not even going to interfere with that, I'm going to go cook. I'll take the cops." "oh okay," Iowa said as the two handed over the baskets of food. "Bye~!" America said while walking off to the cooking area. He placed down the foods and just as he was about to start grabbing cooking supplies he was stopped by his twin.

"I have decided that I'm going to force you to bed, you will get more sleep anyways." Dixie said while glaring at him. "What but who will cook and take care of the states?" "They can manage on their own," Confederate explained. "But-" America pleaded before getting cut off, "no. you're sleeping." Dixie said sternly. "Okay..." America replied.

"MARYLAND PLUS SOUTH AND NORTH CAROLINA! YOU GUYS CAN COOK THE BURGERS FOR TODAY!" Confederate yelled, "Okay now you are sleeping, let's go to our room." With that he and America walked over to their room, and flew up to the entrance and entered. "Are you sure-" "YES. Yes, I am sure Union." Dixie said. "Now give me your phone, I don't want you going on it. You need sleep." Confederate said sternly.

America sighed and took it out of his pocket and gave it to him, "Change into comfy clothing and go the fuck to sleep." Dixie said. "I'll try..." "Take sleeping pills if you have to, you NEED to sleep." then Confederate started walking out, "by the way I will cheek up on you so don't try to run away, you need sleep even the states are noticing it. You have one of those shitty meetings tomorrow and you might wanna stay awake for that." Then he walked out.

America sighed and walked over to his closet, he grabbed a random blue tank top and black shorts, along with another pair of undergarments and walked into the bathroom to change. He closed the door behind him and took off his sunglasses. He stared at himself for a bit. His eyes were hurting him again, he never knew why his "normal" eye hurt him.

After a while he changed and looked for a little longer, 'am I fat like the other states tell me I am?' he thought. 'Good thing I didn't eat today I guess.' Then he walked out and laid down on his bed. He stared at the ceiling for a while, not really thinking about anything, then drifted off to dreamland.


I HAVE UPDATED AGAIN! Like I said way more than I expected. Also one of my friends found my acc shout out to them I guess. Shout out to them for not making fun of me for it too. Anyways google translate sucks ass, what California said in Spanish does not translate to what I typed, its close but like HUH!?

anyways have a good day/night/evening!!


(1,205 words)

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