chapter 5

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Everything was black, no noise, empty. He was in an empty pit of blackness. He stood up and was in water around up to his knees. He looked around and spotted a statue of an eagle. It was glowing white and had gold scattered on it with peppers flying everywhere, there was a gold plate that said something on it. There were whispers coming off of the statue he couldn't understand.

He walked towards the statue, and was now standing right in front of it. He looked down and read the plate "freedom of the United States Of America" it read. He looked at it more and spotted a necklace around the neck of the eagle. He recognized it, it was a jocla necklace necklace, it looked like the one he wore when he was a child before it was destroyed. It had the turquoise stones, coral, perls, and bones of different animals.

He stared at it for a while, memories flooding his head of when he was a child with his siblings and mother. After a little more time he grabbed it and took it off the eagle, when he did it stopped glowing. Confused and why it stopped glowing, he touched it, which made him feel weird. He swiped his hand away and went back to the necklace.

He put it on himself, and with a shot of pain he fell down into the water. His back hurt like hell and his wings started glowing, so did his neck and a bit of his stomach. His neck,wings, and stomach started bleeding. The Statue cracked, and the whispers got clearer, "fat" "weak" "useless" they were all insults the other countries called him. He wanted to scream, and plead for it to stop, but he couldn't speak.

He closed his eyes and awoke in the real world. He was bleeding, the hurting had stopped and so had the glowing. His vision was blurry as hell. He pushed himself up and out of the bed and limped over to the bathroom. He looked into the mirror 'what the fuck' he thought.

His wings were all bloody and bigger than before, as well as he had grown feathers on his neck and stomach. The necklace was also still there, he touched the feathers, they were real. He stared for a bit, thinking about what he should do. 'I guess I'll take a shower to wash off the blood' he thought.

He walked back out to grab new clothing, when he spotted his brother 'should i wake him and tell him about this?... nah he will find out when he wakes up, I don't wanna worry him.' Then he grabbed a green shirt with a random print on the front, and a gray sweatpants, then walked back into the bathroom. Looked in the mirror again, because his vision was normal again

'Bruh' His normally fully back eye now had an iris of gold, everything else was still black. 'This is giving my emo transformation what in the fuck' he thought. 'Whatever' he thought, he detached his robotic arm, it was waterproof but he didn't need to shower with it on. Took off his clothing, then the necklace. He placed the necklace in a safe place, then hopped into the shower.

Once he got out of the shower and dried himself off, then looked into the mirror to see if anything else happened. Nothing, 'thank god' he sighed and moved the hair out of his face. He put on the clothing that he had grabbed, including the necklace, and walked back into the bedroom area.

He spotted his phone on Dixies night stand blowing up 'what the fuck no one ever texts me?' he thought and looked outside 'especially not at this damn time!' It was still dark outside. He walked over and grabbed his phone 'its 5:23 who in the fuck' he opened up his phone, it was the group chat with all of the countries. He started to read the messages.

Some countries who had different animal attributes were complaining that they had gotten worse and were asking to not dress so formally. While some others were yelling at them to shut up because it was fucking early as hell.

"What's this all about?" America texted. "Oh look who you guys woke up now!" Iran texted. "Calm down, America is not THAT bad.." Japan texted back, "oh hell fucking yes he is." Iran commented. "What's going on everyone?" UN who had finally woken up texted. "Well most countries with animal parts experienced growing in only the animal parts, so we were wondering if we didn't have to wear suits tomorrow." Japan texted. "That's fine. No one will have to wear suits tomorrow, but please come dressed in normal clothing." America sighed and put his phone on silent and placed it down.

"Why are you up?" Confederate yelled who just woke up. "Something happened, basically my wings got bigger, I grew feathers, and my eyes changed... again." Confederate sighed " the meeting will suck tomorrow then." "I don't have to wear formal clothing, because I'm not the only one that had shit like this happen." America replied. "Can I see?" Dixie asked. "Yea..."

They had turned the lights on as Dixie just stared in confusion. "That's what happened?" "yea the nightmare was hella weird," America said. "Huh.. well i have no idea, can you still hide your wings?" America perked up, "I haven't tired." "Well try, because if not that will be a hella lot of explaining to do." Confederate said. America tried, and yes you could still hide them, "thank god! But I can't hide the feathers, I'll just wear a turtleneck," He said.

"What time does the meeting start?" Confederate asked. "It starts at 8am, it's like 9:30 or so," America replied. "I'm going to go for a walk," America said after a bit of silence. "Okay if anything happens tell me." "Okay~, "America said while putting his phone in his pocket and walking out.

He flew down to the kitten area and made a coffee, while he was waiting he saw one of the states sitting on one of the tables. "What are you doing so early Illinois?" America asked, "oh hi mom, I just woke up and decided to wait till anyone else woke up. Plus, watching the forest is cool." He said. "Mk well, want a drink?" "yea, can I have whisky?" Illinois asked, "at 5:30 in the morning?" America asked while glaring at him, "yes...?" Illinois responded.

America sighed, "yes whatever here." he gave him the bottle, "take it I'm going for a walk, don't get drunk." America said while grabbing his coffee, "um, mom where are your glasses?" Illinois asked, America paused and went silent. "I forgot them," He said "I'll put them on after the walk." "why do you even wear them? None of the states have seen your eyes..." He asked, "It's personal..." America Replied, "Oh well bye mom!" "bye Illinois." America said before walking into the forest


Update again. Ikr I'm so cool. Prolly just bc I'm on fall break buuuuuuut I'm still proud ngl. also 14 reads that's crazy :O

anyways have a good day/night/evening!!


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