chapter 9

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Once America got home he walked out of his truck and stood there for a moment. 'Should I take off my shirt to fly? I don't wanna ruin it, I got lucky last time." He thought for a bit before waking his turtleneck off and lifting up his shirt and spreading his wings, and flew up.

He flew and laded on the balcony and slammed the door open to see Dixie talking to himself. "What are you on about?" America asked before going and sitting on his bed. Dixie looked up at him, "My fucking battle flag is back in my thoughts and wants to become like a spirt and roum around in the world saying all the dead countries and empires are boring." "Well tell him no," America said, a little uneasy on why the battle flag was trying to come back.

"He's claiming he won't corrupt me but I dunno," Confederate said before lying down on his bed. "Enough about my battle flag, what the fuck happened at the meeting you were telling me over the phone about?" Dixie said while turning on his side to look at America.

"So basically I was like 2 minutes or something late and it pissed off UN, then he gave me some punishment. The only people who know about the states are Canada and Japan right now mostly because they have a brain. Also us three got found out about are 10/10 acting because Russia pissed us all off." America explained.

"The punishment was to send five countries over to your house so you can house them?" Confederate said while sounding a little mad. "Yes," "witch ones? I forgot," Dixie asked. "Canada, Japan, Britain, France, and Russia," America said before pulling out its phone because it was vibrating like crazy. "Well damn, wonder how the states will react." "you aren't making this situation any better," America replied.

"What's going on with your phone?" "France set up a GC with all the countries that are coming over to our house, and Britain is just complaining about it," America said while glaring at his phone. "AlL aMeRiCa EaTs Is McDoNaLds! My ass bruh, McDonalds is mid af." America said, mocking Britain.

Then America saw something, a person was sitting behind Dixie. "Oh I see mr. flag, what do you want," America said while looking at the battle flag. "PLEEEEEEASE! It's soooo boring in the afterlife!" the battle flag said with puppy dog eyes. "Go away," Dixie said while shoving his face into a pillow. "You're no fun," the battle flag said while making a pouting face and putting his hand on his hips.

"Just stay in your ghost form, you are already out of the afterlife," America said while reading the texts from the group chat. "But I wanna be alive~ come on, it will be fun!" The battle flag said. Making America glare at him, "no, just go bother someone else." "but I can't leave this room~" the flag said while being dramatic, "good" Dixie replied.

The Battle flag just flew over to a desk in the room and sat on it. "Can you turn on the TV? I'll shut up if you let me watch TV," He said. America stood up and grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. It was between the two twin's beds. "Thank you~," the flag said before watching whatever was on.

America stood up, "well I'm going to go tell the states what happened, I hope they don't try to kill anyone. That will start WWIII and now is not the time." "Okay I'm going to sleep," Dixie replied, as the battle flag just stared at the TV like a child. "Bye~!" America said before leaving the bedroom.

He sighed and flew down, then walked over to Connecticut who was talking with Pennsylvania. "Hey Connecticut? Could you round up all the states I have an announcement to make..." America said. Connecticut looked up at him and smiled, "mk mom~." Then America flew over to one of the tables, and stood on top of it.

Dixie came down and stood right next to him, "why are you here? Thought you were sleeping." "Well basically thought the battle flag would be an important thing to announce, and he cant get away from me. He can't go any farther than 20ft from me. Dixie said, pissed. The flag walked over to America and said "what if we just call me CSA because it's shorter and we don't call Confederate that?" He said. "Yea whatever," America said.

Then a loud yell from Connecticut rang and everyone started crowding around America and Dixie. Then America spoke up, "Both of these are bad news! So be ready, it's not sad or anything, just don't start a war over it." He said, making some states chatter.

"Well I'll go first," America said, "I got in trouble at the meeting I went to today and now we will be housing five countries! All will be coming tomorrow." Making more chatter of anger or happiness from all the states. "Those countries are Canada, Japan, Britain, France, and Russia." With that sentence from America there was more anger but no one dared to yell about it.

Once they had waited a bit for the chatter to calm down Dixie spoke up "Soooooo, this one will piss you all off including me and America but Battle flag is in ghost form and can't do anything to us. But also get leave in 20ft away from me! So hell, and he's telling us to just call him CSA. I don't know if you can see him or not." Making some scared and most mad.

CSA then came out from behind Confederate making everyone gasp. "Before you guys get weapons out, he can't harm any of you and you guys can't harm him," Dixie said, calming some down. After a bit of talking everyone went back to playing or talking.

"Well I'm going to clean those guest rooms. They are prolly dusty, and old fashioned," America said. "I'll help! Plus I don't wanna be alone with... him," Dixie said. "Mk ill just steal some things the kids have thrown out or wanted in their rooms in these, I think they are in the storage farther away," With that they entered the rooms and started cleaning and modernizing the rooms.


update! yes I dunno what to say but yea update :)

anyways have a good day/night/evening!!


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