chapter 20

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South Korea stood in the mirror happy but embarrassed. "You look good!!" Japan said while fixing her corset again. "Japan, if that corset is too tight or something I can get ya' a different one that fits better," America said while folding some clothing. "No, it fits well, I'm just not very used to corsets," Japan replied. South Korea looked at her, "do you need help with that?" Japan shook her head and stopped messing with it.

South Korea was currently in a slightly oversized knitted beige sweater, it had black buttons and stripes on the arms and torso. He was also wearing a plaid green skirt, and under he had a basic white crop top that had a black cat on it. Though you couldn't see the top because the sweater was buttoned up. He was also wearing the same checkered vans and white socks he had on before.

"Hey America?" South Korea asked. America hummed in response. South Korea spoke up again, "why do you have corsets anyways? Just a question." America giggled a bit, "I like them, I dress up in dresses and corsets with a wig sometimes just to see how I would look as a female. I also sometimes try drag, but some corsets could have been the states. Lots of old clothing from over the years are stored here because I don't feel like building another shed for clothing."

"That's interesting. That would make sense why you have a whole walk in closet going on just outside," Japan said jokingly. America nodded and fixed the glove that was covering his robotic arm. He also was getting a little bit tired of keeping his wings smaller, it was hard to keep them down for long amounts of time but also didn't want a swarm of questions of why his wings were so big.

"Hey mom? How do I look?" California asked. America turned around and gasped, "yes, yes you do." California smiled in response and fixed their skirt a bit.

They had a long green dress on with yellow poppies all over. It was knee length, connected to the here some see through felt sleeves with the same design on it. They had some gold rings and necklaces on, as well as the signature hat now had some poppies in it too.

Hawaii came running from around the corner of a shelf holding a dress, "Makuahine! Makuahine! Could you put on this dress instead?" America looked at the girl and sighed, "yes pua (flower)."

Japan was messenger more with her corset. "Japan, are you sure it fits? Do you want me to adjust it?" South Korea asked. Japan sighed in response, "yes I guess so, I just can't get it to fit." South Korea and Japan messed with the corset for a bit before admitting defeat, they were going to ask America but he had walked off to put on a different outfit Hawaii had wanted him to wear.

"Do you need help with that?" California questioned looking up from the clothing they were folding. She had started what their mom had left while going to do some fashion show that Hawaii wanted. "Yes we do, I don't know how to work corsets," Japan said while smiling at the 10 year old.

California placed down the shirt and walked over to help with the corset. "Gez how much did you move this around! This is hella off," they laughed. Japan giggled a bit, "I was trying to move it, though I don't know if it fits me." California felt around the sides, "If you get uncomfortable tell me, I don't want to be creepy."

South Korea watched and smiled a bit at Japan. California sighed, "I don't think this is a correct fit, I'll look for as many small black corsets I can find and we'll test them on you." They paused and walked in front of Japan, "Is the corset for the look, posture, something else?" Japan glanced down a bit and slowly said, "to make me look more curvy."

California giggled a bit, "you know there is other stuff you can buy to do that, try workouts, but don't over push yourself with that. I'll find one for you, though corsets aren't originally made for that." California stopped. "Went on a bit of a rant there," they said, before walking down one of the isles to a shelf.

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