chapter 29

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America walked out to the table where he saw Tennessee crying as well as California now looking panicked. Some other states were freaking out around them too.

"What is going on?" America asked.

"The government. They have been passing laws that are negatively affecting LGBTQ+ rights. It's causing some people to not be able to call people correct pronouns. I hate how our government can control us without knowing," California explained.

"Hey Tennessee, you okay man?" America asked.

"No! Why are they trying to take rights away from people! They are taking it away from everyone, I hate this," Tennessee cried.

"Uh, guys?" New York asked, "Has anyone seen Florida? There are way more laws being passed in his state."

"What do you mean?" America asked.

"There are some laws that are being passed or trying to be passed that are targeting trans people and people of color," New York explained.

"God that's horrible!" California cried.

"Why are they doing this? I-..." America paused. If they don't stop this people will rebel. Plus the people of his country have the right too, it's stated if the government fails to protect people's rights they can very much start a revolution. That would mean he might die, but as long as the next people have all freedom, he is fine with death. "Everything is going to be fine, we can fix this. We won't start a civil war, we are fine."

"Are you sure?" Tennessee asked.

America smiled, "Yes, I am positive." Even though this might not go the way he wants it to go. If his people get the freedom, the word that the whole country revolves around, he will be fine with whatever terrible things happen to him.

America looked around to see none of the countries out.

"Where are all the countries?" America asked.

"They went with some states to the beach," Maryland explained, "Hawwai wanted to go there, but no older ones wanted to, so she dragged all the countries to do it."

"Ah, okay... You'll be alright Tennessee?" America asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, I will be fine... I'm sorry that my government is doing this," Tennessee said, then he hugged his mom.

America hugged back before pulling away. It looked like Tennessee had now calmed down and he was able to leave. America smiled and walked over back to his office to go back to doing work. When he entered the room he heard the piercing alarm going off, so he turned it off and took his phone with him outside.

Because he was now worried for Hawaii who is at the beach. America decided to go over to check up on her. America flew up to his room and opened the door.

There stood CSA doing Dixie's hair as they were both watching a movie.

"What are you guys watching?" America asked, walking over to his dresser to get clothing.

"Shrek 2, CSA wanted to watch a movie so see how the internet worked and he thought Shrek looked funny," Dixie explained.

"Well that's nice, what hairstyle are you getting?" America asked.

"I'm making his hair into a half up half down braid, or whatever this is," CSA said.

"What he said," Dixie mumbled.

America laughed, "I'd like a photo once you're done."

"Okay!" CSA yelled.

America went back to looking for clothing. He grabbed some swim shorts, a tank top, a hoodie, plus some basic shoes. He went to change into the clothing in the bathroom. He entered the bathroom and looked at himself for a bit, taking off his glasses too. He looked different now, different from what we looked like less than a week ago. It was a bit scary to think about.

Once he was done with putting on his clothing he exited the room saying goodbye to the two others. He went to fly over the forest, he never does that often. His wings were only for quick travel, not fun. But now because he has bigger wings he needs to get used to them.


y'all the chapters are getting shorter and shorter... that's kinda scary ha. Anyways it's prolly because its only been filler. But that fashion show will happen, and I will be putting more people in dresses, because way back in chapter like 20 I think I said there was going to be one. 

Also I have a discord server still, so like if you wanna join it haha. You will get random things that me an Salem(Basil) do, you will get updates for stuff and I'll prolly work on ther server more so you guys can get more things lol.

anyways slán stars, I love you all very much<3


(678 words)

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