chapter 26

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America sat up from where he was laying down. He looked around to see his brother next to him, but he was younger, way younger. They were in a tipi, laying down on the wood that America had forgotten the name of.

America moved the blanket made out of hide off him and stood up.

"Where are you going?" his brother yawned.

Though he said it in a language that wasn't English, America still knew what he was saying.

"To Pamola and Eluwilussit. Mother said they were by the fields in the morning," America said.

America said it in the same language, it seemed to be a Native American language.

"Okay, I'll come with you!" his brother said quickly getting up and stumbling over to America.

America giggled, "What do you think we are going to do today?"

"What if we learn how to make those dolls that mother always gives us?" Dixie guessed.

"That would be cool! I could give my children them if I ever have one," America said.

Dixie nodded and they started walking over to the fields. They said hi to people on the way and talked to the people who were up. It was very early but they always got up early when they got to see Pamola and Eluwilussit.

They walked over to fields and started looking through them to find the two. Though it wasn't hard to find people who are 8ft(243.84 cm) tall. Once they saw them America ran to Eluwilussit and jumped up to them.

"Eluwilussit! Eluwilussit! What are we learning?" America yelled while basically climbing Eluwilussit.

"Calm down darling, I'm going to fall!" Eluwilussit yelled.

America giggled and got off of them. Dixie stood and watched them before running up after America to hug Eluwilussit. America looked over to Pamola.

"Would you like a hug too?" America asked.

Pamola jumped not expecting to be noticed and smiled.

"Yes America," He said.

What. He said America? But he didn't, he said his name. He recognized the word he said as his name but that wasn't his name. Of Course it wasnt Britain who had given him the name America. Then what was his moms real name? The person who gave him the note had referred to his mom as Native America. What was Native America's real name?

He now also noticed that the person they called Eluwilussit was that same thing that gave him the necklace. The same white and gold, height, and shape. Pamola wasn't the exact opposite, he had everything the same except the white was replaced with black. Pamola looked to be Eluwilussit's brother.

America pushed the thoughts out of his head and ran up to Pamola and hugged them tight. Pamola picked him up and held him. Eluwilussit looked over at the two and smiled as Dixie just clinged to them.

"What are we learning today?" America asked Pamola.

"We are going to learn a light spell. You can use it as well, light, and a small attack method ," Pamola explained.

America's eyes widened and smiled. Eluwilussit started walking out of the field as Dixie tried not to fall off his leg, Pamola soon followed. Again they started walking through where Native Americans were.

It was odd how the personified used to live among the people without getting hurt, however if a ruler was getting hated on they would often go after the ruler first and the personified after. It was a new eye to look into.

America looked around and spotted his mother who was talking with the chief and a personification of the tribe they were currently staying at. America watched them trying to hear what they were talking about but failed. He got some words though, it was something about trade with another tribe, boring stuff.

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