chapter 19

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Everyone looked over and saw the glory of America and some of his children in dresses. Most were pissed or Embarrassed about it, Texas seemed to be admitting defeat at this point. All Idaho, Louisiana, Colorado, Massachusetts, Nevada, Texas, Florida, Alaska, and America were standing up there with dresses on.

All eyes on them and everyone was cheering, Hawaii ran on the table. "GUESS WHAT?!" she yelled at the top of her lungs, "THEY HAVE TO WEAR LIKE TILL THEY ALL SLEEP!!" Everyone cheered louder. Hawaii gestured to them and they ran off the table to friends. America came over to the countries and UN. He stood at the end of one of the tables. "So what yall talking about?" he asked, leaning over the side of the table.

He still had both of his necklaces on plus his sunglasses and now had his wings out. He now had some basic blue Native American earrings in. Also he had a black sleeveless dress that was long and it split open on both sides for his legs, he had black high heels on and some long black gloves.

"You have wings?" UN asked, America nodded. UK sighed and mumbled, "I'm not even going to question anything anymore." America eyed him after that. Though no one was very freaked out by it, most knew he had wings as a child and America just said he didn't like to talk about it. So they just never did.

Japan squealed, "you need to show me your closet!! Do you have anything that would fit me?" America laughed a bit and nodded. "Vous avez l'air bien!(You look good!) I think I have a red dress like that," France said. America's eyes lit up, "I wanna see you in that dress! Betcha look good." France smiled in response.

Nevada came pouting over to America. "Do we have to wear this till the end of dinner...?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yes, I think you look good in it," America said while smiling. "You look like a... I'm not going to say that," Nevada said while looking down. America laughed, "That's the point, and yes I know what your impling."

Nevada was wearing a long black dress that went down to his knees as well as some brown dress shoes with white calf high socks. With that had a navy tie on that he never took off. As well as a black fedora with a cluster of yellow sagebrush on top, he had a messy undercut under the hat.

"Alright then," Nevada said, "guess I'll go bother California." He walked off over to his sibling who was dancing and drinking like there was no tomorrow. America sighed at the sight of it and looked back over to the table.

Most of the countries went back to talking but Russia was looking at America. America looked back at him a bit confused which caused Russia to snap his head the other way to listen to more gossip South Korea was saying. America decided to listen to the drama too and walked over to the two "gossip girls" South Korea and Japan.

"-It was funny to watch! He got so bad and almost beat him up! It was so funny to watch!" South Korea explained shifting in his seat a bit. "That doesn't sound like him, EU gets mad easily but I never thought he would almost beat the shit out of someone," Japan said. "I don't know, I heard it from Ukraine," south Korea said.

"Whatcha all on about?" America asked. South Korea turned his head towards him, "oh EU almost beat up Hungary again." Japan giggled, America wide eyed. "Again?" he asked, "that happened more than once?" South Korea nodded, "or at least that was what Ukraine told me." America laughed a bit.

Alaska and Hawaii ran over to America somehow dragging California and Nevada with them. "Mama!" Hawaii yelled running over, "do you have any dresses that will fit California? They want to wear a dress!" America looked at them, then smiled warmly. "Yes, though what style would you like?" America asked California. "Well uhm" "Can I go now?" Nevada interrupted what California was going to say.

"Well if you're going to be a ʻūhā(bitch) yes," Hawaii replied, glaring at him. "Can you let go of me? I can't leave," he said. Hawaii smiled and nodded, then let go of his arm. Nevada just walked off to probably go rant to another state about something.

"Hey can I come?" Japan asked, "I want to try on a dress." "Can I also come?" South Korea was a bit nervous. America nodded, "alright let's go, all of my dresses are in the back behind all of your guys bedrooms, so is my storage..." With that they all stood up and went over to where the dresses were kept.

Once they opened the door and looked inside, it was filled with lots of dresses of all shapes, sizes, colors, and styles. It was also filled with different clothing such as hats, corsets, old clothing, and many more. It looked old and dusty but footprints or hand marks here and there from the states that were in here earlier.

"Look around, see what you like and fit you if you wanna," America said. All started looking around for themselves or others. America smiled as he watched his friends and or kids so happy running around like it was a shopping spree on black Friday.

After a while Japan walked over. In her hands was a redress that was red at the top with a gold vine like pattern that went down to the white puffy part of the dress. She was also holding a basic gold chain that had a red gem in the middle of it.

"Is this okay?" She asked. America nodded, "I think it'll look good on ya." Japan smiled. "Is it okay if I wear a corset? To you know... make me look more..." she said. "Yes I do, even though you still think you look male you do look really feminine. Though I don't know if I help," he said nervously.

Japan smiled, "you were the first to know and the one I trusted to teach me style, Your words did help me, America." America smiled, "well I'll look for one that would fit you the most correct, but I will make you one if you want me too." Japan's eyes sparkled, "you know how to make corsets?" America nodded.

They started looking around and ended up finding one that did fit. It was a small black one that made Japan look more curvy like she wanted. She was thanking America over and over again.

After that South Korea walked up with some clothing in his hands, slightly blushing of embarrassment. "Can I wear these?" He asked. Americas eyes lit up and he looked at the clothing, "Hell fucking yes."


hi... yea so basically I got sick and wrote this chapter in like an hour so if its bad then that's why. Even tho its only been 3 days... I still feal bad for some reason. Also yes I did make Japan trans. Why? because I wanted too, I needed a trans character and why not make it Japan.

tho question for you all, if I make a oneshot book will yall read it? just a basic rusame one but no NSFW stuff bc I just think they are funny tbh. *coughs in under the ace spectrum* Just a question tho, bc I have so many story ideas but like I'm not gonna be writing like 10 books at the same fucking time.

tbh bc I'm so smart and everything I might have forgot to put sum here but oh well.

ref for Japans dress, with a black corset over and its shorter or whatever yea

ref for Japans dress, with a black corset over and its shorter or whatever yea

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anyways see yall later, have a good day/night/evening my lil' stars!!!


(1144 Words)

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