chapter 22

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Now everyone was sitting down at the table of countries. All were chattering while some states set the table a bit. California, Michigan, and Rhode Island had put on a pale silk cloth and some different utensils, plates, and cups of sorts.

Soon after, different states bring over some plates of food. All of the Countries gasped at the variety of food on the table, it wasn't just basic American food like most had thought they would eat.

"I'm very sorry if they don't taste as accurate as they do in other countries, also the spam musubi might be off because Hawaii didn't make it," One state explained before running off to the table of other states alike.

The countries filled their plates with lots of different foods, and started eating. A mixture of different genres of music was blasting through the air making you have to yell over the music.

"Hey, don't you notice America isn't here? Where is he?" Australia asked. Most looked over at Japan and South Korea, but they said that they didn't know.

"The last time we saw him was in that room, he was changing out of an outfit," Japan explained, South Korea nodded in agreement.

"I do say your outfit looks very pretty Corée du Sud (South Korea)," France complimented while smiling.

South Korea smiled. "감사합니다! (one of the ways to say "thank you")" He said.

"Back to the topic, where actually is America?" Canada said in worry. They all looked around a bit more but couldn't spot him. Then Dixie walked up to them with CSA hiding behind him.

"Have you seen Uni- America?" Dixie said. He calls America Union when he is worried or being serious, so that means he was very worried about what had happened to him.

"No, we were looking for him too," Japan replied. CSA rolled his eyes and looked at Dixie.

"Did ya look in his office? He might have ran away trying to overwork himself and not eat," CSA scoffed. Dixie glared over at CSA.

"I know he didn', that door is fuckin' loud as hell. If he did I'd hear it from across the damn forest," Dixie replied. He then looked over at the countries. Dixie spoke "If ya see him tell a state or sum, if I find him then I guess I'll tell you guys." Then he walked away.

"That's worrying," UN said. No one responded, they just went back to eating food and talking every once and a while. It had been a while and no one had seen America, Dixie was just saying he had run off into the forest like he always does but most were still worried.

Then after a while Russia was gone. And most had gone to bed or gone home. Now all the nations were worried but Dixie was just going on a rant about something.

"I think ya' should calm down, it's annoying to hear ya' rant about those two," CSA mumbled while doing Dixie's hair again.

"No it ain't! First off Russia prolly ran inta the damn forest all by himself, and America is in there two. Hell, they prolly wont come back till next morning. Union hasn't even ate dinner!" Dixie ranted.

"I do think you should calm down a bit, he did eat lunch today," Vermont said as she cleaned some dishes. "Plus he'll be fine. Like you said he always goes out on walks and such," she said again.

"I know, but I have the right to worry," Dixie mumbled, crossing his arms and leading back into the counter behind him.

"You do, just I think this much is... overwhelming," Vermont replied while placing a clean marble plate on the counter.

"Uh hey Vermont," a state said who was just walking up. "Do you need help with the dishes?" the state of Louisiana said. Vermont looked over.

"Yes! You could help if you want to," She said. Louisiana walked over and started drying the dishes that were wet, then placing them on the counter.

"Shouldn't ya' place the plates in the cabinet?" Dixie said.

"We will put it in the cabinet after we are done," Louisiana said as he place another place down.

"Okay whatever," Dixie mumbled. He crossed his arms and started looking at the forest like an eagle.

"You're havin' America gone get to your head, chill out," CSA said while tying up a braid he had done in Dixie's hair, he just huffed in response and slouched down a bit.

After a while Russia and America still hadn't come back, though everyone went to bed anyway. It was late and around 12am at night, no one knew what had happened though Dixie just claimed he was "runnin' in the forest" or something.

But Dixie and CSA were awake in the room watching TV trying to get it off their mind that Russia had left. They didn't know why Russia had left and it was a rule he wasn't allowed to leave. America would beat their asses when he came back.


haha, short chapter. I didn't rlly know how to write this one and its kind of speed up/different because not only are we writing a narrative essay for my school this week but they have been giving me ways to improve my writing. So that's happening. 

The next chapter will be a longer length. The reason why its not long is because I had forgotten I had to post a chapter and was writing for my oneshot book (GO READ IT). Though I might be updating this book more often or I'm more so planning to.

anyways hope you guys have a good day/night/evening my lil' stars!!! <333


(818 Words)

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